Mitozantrone Novantrone

Mitozantrone Novantrone

This patient-friendly article is about chemotherapy drug, Mitozantrone (Novantrone) which works similarly to Adriamycin, but has much less cardio-toxicity. It is therefore good for use with frailer patients with breast cancer, non-Hodgkin’s disease and lymphoma.  It is also used in the treatment of prostate cancer.  Is also sometimes referred to as Mitoxantrone.

Side effects may include: Lowered resistance to infection (but not as severe as with Adriamycin), bruising and bleeding, green/blue urine (because of the colour of the drug), nausea and vomiting, fatigue. Hair loss is rare, as are mouth sores, diarrhoea and temporary liver damage.

Approved by

the Medical Board. 

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