

This patient-friendly article is about chemotherapy drug, Ifosfomide which is an alkylating agent a type of chemotherapy used to treat many different types of cancer, including testicular, breast, lymphomas, soft tissue sarcomas, lung, cervical, ovarian and bone. Ifosfamide is administered intravenously or by injection.

Side effects can include:  lowered resistance to infection, bruising and bleeding, anaemia (causing tiredness and breathlessness), nausea and vomiting, temporary hair loss, fatigue, bladder irritation (which is often treated with a drug called Mesna), skin and liver changes. 

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the Medical Board. 

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Go to: 10 ways to improve your chemotherapy success and reduce side-effects

Other articles that you may find interesting are:

  1. A diet for Chemotherapy
  2. Immunotherapy overview
  3. A to Z Guide to Complementary Therapies

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