Integrative cancer and oncology news with articles and the latest news on cancer.
Spring Into Action
The pace of development at our charity seems to know no bounds. In this issue you will find two more developments designed to help people access information - all the information, be it on orthodox, complementary or alternative therapies.
The first is the launch of Personal Prescriptions - where you can short circuit all that searching for information and helpful knowledge about your cancer. The information is tailored to you and your cancer and will save you months of hard work and possible mistakes and confusion.
Then we have the launch of our first purpose-built Catherine Corner at the heart of the brand new Cancer Wise Wholistic Cancer Help Centre in Chichester. Created in memory of Chris Woollams daughter Catherine, who died of a brain tumour in 2004, the idea is a cheerful, peaceful haven with state of the art equipment where cancer patients and their families can find holistic help, information and company with like-minded people. We know how isolated cancer sufferers often feel - this is one place where they can relax, confide, browse our website and discuss their experiences.
Anyone who hasnt seen our new website should go to www.canceractive.com. We really are fast becoming the UKs number one information service on the full spectrum of orthodox, complementary and alternative therapies. We are currently working on an "Information Index" - a sort of Yellow Pages directory of where to go to find the experts - be they Gerson or Gonzalez, The Oasis of Hope or John of God, The Fountain Centre or the Mulberry Centre, a hands on healer or a cranial osteopath. It will feature everything from support groups to naturopaths and well update it every six months in the magazine and on the web.
So now you really will be able to find out Everything you need to know to help you beat cancer - with icon and CANCERactive.
Following our successful Prevention Conference last November, we have no intention of letting the subject lapse. We have a Cancer Prevention Fortnight planned for November - call us to find out more details. We are going forward with our plans for getting into schools with nutrition advice, and planning a special "kids issue" of icon for later in the year. Its never too early to get into good habits! Our Centrefold Pin-up this month is a start - some of the advice may be quite hard to follow, but its worth plugging away even if you cant keep all the "rules". Every lifestyle change you make will affect your childrens future in a positive way.
Now that the endless winter is finally over, its time to get moving. If you have any ideas for local fundraising events, we can give you lots of help and advice. Or are you brave enough to take part in one of our Open Challenges? Run a half marathon? Become a Regional Executive? Come on, we need funds to continue our mission and we cant do it all on our own!
Take a look at our charity pages and give us a call on 01280 821211. Please.
We wish you a happy, healthy Spring.
Lindsey Fealey