Chris Woollams 2016 UK Speech
This year I will be speaking on ’Cancer - Increasing your Personal Odds of Survival’.
Last year when I announced I was speaking, the tickets all sold in under 4 hours, so this year to try and help more of you, I will speak just once in the South of England near Bracknell (Sunday May 15th); and then repeat it the following weekend in the Wirral, near Liverpool (Sunday May 22nd). I apologise to those of you living outside of the UK.
Full details on times, venues and how to book are linked below.

Having cancer is bad enough. We don’t want you to die of ignorance. Chris Woollams
1. UK annual speech
Last year 350 tickets sold out in less than 4 hours. Just incredible. This year I will be covering an even more important subject giving you the basic ideas on how you can put together your own Integrative cancer treatment programme to increase your personal odds of survival. I will tell you exactly what is important to include, and what is not, and there will be time for questions and answers at the end.
The American Cancer Society in their 2012 report were quite clear - "complementary therapies increase survival and even prevent a cancer returning". So which are the best? UCLA produced a report that people employing stress management techniques survived ’significantly longer’. Again, which ones? We will even talk about some of the emerging therapies like immunotherapy and what they can really deliver. This really will be the Truth about cancer - from 14 years of research!
2. Adherence to a Rainbow Diet reduces cancer mortality
Research is quite clear. Now there’s a meta-analysis to back up previous claims from Harvard Medical School. Plus a list of bioactive ingredients in natural compounds from research.
3. Everything you need to know to help you beat cancer
" I just wanted to say I’m currently reading ’Everything you need to know to help you beat cancer’. I’ve read a few cancer books this year and yours is without a doubt the best. I love your factual and analytical style, yet it is so easy to understand. Thank you. Emma.
For more reviews of the book that saves you six months searching, and enables you to find all the info - old and brand new - in one easy-to-read place, click the link below.
4. Why you should take a probiotic with your chemo
Two studies show how probiotics help chemo work better.
5. Is prostate surgery a waste of time?
Here’s our weekly ’study you may have missed’. It’s pretty important if someone is suggesting you have prostate surgery though!
There’s also expert opinion from a prostate surgeon - it seems practice makes perfect!
6. Human breast milk to fight cancer
Can this be true? Consuming human breast milk might help you fight cancer? See my blog!