IARC labelled Glyphosate, also called glyphosphate and contained in the Weedkiller Roundup, 'Probably' carcinogenic, their second highest category in 2014. Of course, the Americans protested and tried to discredit the findings, but the link with cancer from independent sources seems consistent.
In a study, published Friday 20th March 2015, in the Lancet Oncology, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), working for the World Health Organisation, labeled glyphosphate probably carcinogenic saying that there was evidence that glyphosate was carcinogenic in humans for 'non-Hodgkin lymphoma.'
The research studied exposure to the chemical in the United States, Canada, and Sweden over a period from 2001. It noted that Glyphosate is used in more than 750 different herbicides; and found the chemical in the blood and urine of agricultural workers.
In the past, Glyphosate has been blamed for killing off the Monarch butterfly population. The Center for Food Safety has argued that the chemical kills ‘milkweed’ plants, the only place the butterfly lays eggs. Of course this is just one example of a herbicide endangering life. At CANCERactive we also have a review on Pesticides and cancer risk. And another on cancer in the workplace.
The US Natural Resources Defence Council was also taking the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in America to court because it feels they have too easily dismissed the dangers of the chemical.
This puts Glyphosate in the top but one category of cancer risk, along with EMFs. There are four levels.
Subsequently we have seen numerous court cases in the USA by people who could link their Lymphoma (NHL) to glyphosate. Monsanto, the manufacturers of Round Up have now been sold to Bayer, and there's even a meta-analysis claiming that there is no evidence of a link between the herbicide and Lymphoma (1). However, the researchers said that they could NOT rule out a link to Diffuse large cell B Lymphoma (DLCBL)
In 2017 over 800 lawsuits against Monsanto were recorded; and in the following year it was several thousand. A famous case in August 2018, was when a judge ordered Monsanto to pay Dwayne Johnson, a school groundsman, $289 million in damages, an award subsequently reduced to approximately $78 million after Monsanto appealed.
In 2019, a research report by the University of Washington (2) stated that cancer risk of those exposed to Round Up/Glyphosate increased by 41%,. The team stated that this was consistent with their previous findings.
Chris Woollams, Oxford University Biochemist and a founder of CANCERactive said, "One major issue is the ubiquity of Glyphosate. Another is that glyphosate was a part of the 'GMO foods plus Round Up' package, just another money-making scam to get poor farmers around the world locked in to buying seeds every year from an American company at huge profit. We have even covered the dangers of GMO foods to your microbiome. In the end, truth comes out."
Go to: Lymphoma, Latest news and research
1. Exposure to glyphosate and risk of non-hodgkin lymphoma: an updated meta-analysis; Paolo Boffetta et al; Med Lav. 2021; 112(3): 194–199.
2. Common weed killer glyphosate increases cancer risk by 41%, study says; Emily Dixon, CNN