The Sunday Show 03: What’s the best diet for my cancer?

The Sunday Show 03: What’s the best diet for my cancer?

The Sunday Show on Sunday 14th June found Chris Woollams answering your questions on the best diet for cancer - Gerson, the Keto Diet, Vegan Diets, plant-based diets, fasting and more, including foods to fight oestrogen, prostate, breast or brain cancer and whether you should eat dairy, flaxseed, turmeric, grapefruit and eggs.

That was three in a row for Chis with the feedback describing it as "Wonderful", "Refreshing", "Thought provoking", "Open and honest".

We look forward to seeing you at future editions of "The Sunday Show". There will be a DVD of all of them out later this year.

Chris Woollams – The Sunday Show

For more information on other shows and forthcoming shows, 

Go to: The Sunday Show, with Chris Woollams

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