The Sunday Show 03: "How Progesterone helps your health"; Judy Evans

The Sunday Show 03: "How Progesterone helps your health"; Judy Evans

On Sunday April 17th, Chris Woollams asked your questions of Judy Evans, a naturopath who has been helping women by using natural progesterone and herbs, with their pre- and post-menopausal issues for over 20 years. Judy has even helped some men with prostate issues.

This really was a brilliant Sunday Show - not least because it covered so many different issues - osteoporosis, HRT, menopause, breast cancer, endometriosis, and even prostate cancer and bio-similar hormones.

What came across as the number one point - NATURAL PROGESTERONE IS SO VERY PROTECTIVE.

Judy Evans is a registered naturopathic practitioner with over 20 years’ experience successfully helping thousands of women who suffer from postmenopausal and premenopausal symptoms such as: hot flushes, night sweats, low libido, depression, weight gain, PMS, postnatal depression and many other related conditions. 

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