On Saturday November 26th, Chris Woollams will interview Dr Elmar Jung, an expert Holistic dentist, on how your teeth can make you ill and what involvement dental complications have in cancer.
"This interview was fun, informative and fascinating. We covered:
* Root canals
* Amalgam fillings
* How good breathing affects your teeth
* How the nerves in your mouth affect organs in your body
* Gum disease
* Fluoride
... and so much more. It was a really enjoyable interview and one you really will not want to miss. Dr Jung is really quite brilliant," says Chris.
How can I see this show?- Watch here OR
Join the CANCERactive Community - and watch this show on Saturday 26th November or any time after that, for a small monthly fee of £5 ; (and watch ALL the past 25+ Sunday Shows and the ones to come in the next 12 months as well, including all the shows in our 'Spectacular' week).
As listeners all too frequently say, "These shows are packed full of useful information - and they are hugely inspiring."
Several shows now have had over 16,000 viewers during the day.