On Friday 25th November, Chris Woollams will be chatting to one of his patients, Laura Batty about how she dealt with suddenly being diagnosed with colorectal cancer at a young age, and how she went about building a thorough plan that has seen her in remission for over 18 months - she has just returned from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro!
Laura's diagnosis was sudden. Chris told her that she needed to get the cancer under control and then things would slowly improve. And they did. But thoroughness and determination were the cornerstones of Laura's plan, along with the wonderful support of husband Scott.
What Chris and Laura are going to build you during the programme is a list of what things matter in your cancer-fighting programme. So, rather than an expert integrative oncologist giving you their views, this is the ultimate Patient Perspective on what really makes a difference!
How can I see this show? Watch here OR
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As listeners all too frequently say, "These shows are packed full of useful information - and they are hugely inspiring."
Several shows now have had over 16,000 viewers during the day.