The Sunday Show 08: ’Breathworks’ - How better breathing and breath techniques can improve your immune system, your mental state and your survival’.

The Sunday Show 08: ’Breathworks’ - How better breathing and breath techniques can improve your immune system, your mental state and your survival’.

On Tuesday 22nd November, Chris Woollams will be interviewing Sophie Trew about her new venture 'Breathworks' and the importance of proper breathing to alkalise the blood and improve the immune system, while increasing oxygenation, improving health and mental state.

In the show, Sophie will cover subjects including:

  * How people only use 30% of their lung capacity

  * How better breathing helps clear toxins

  * How better breathing improves your physical condition

  * How better breathing improves your Mental State

How can I see this show? Watch here OR 

Join the CANCERactive Community and watch this show on Tuesday 22nd November or any time after that, for a small monthly fee of £5 ; (and watch ALL the past 25+ Sunday Shows and the ones to come in the next 12 months as well, including all the shows in our 'Spectacular' week)


As listeners all too frequently say, "These shows are packed full of useful information - and they are hugely inspiring." 

Several shows now have had over 16,000 viewers during the day.


The Sunday Show 2022
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