The Sunday Show 07: ’Using Integrative Medicine to increase survival’; Patricia Peat

The Sunday Show 07: ’Using Integrative Medicine to increase survival’; Patricia Peat

On Monday 21st November Chris will be Interviewing Patricia Peat, a former oncology nurse, who set up Cancer Options, to do just that - to explain to cancer patients what complementary therapies were available and shown in research to increase their personal odds of survival.

It's hard to imaging two people in the UK who have helped more people touched by cancer understand their options for improving their survival. As Chris says, "It's important to understand that we don't treat cancer; we help people understand what it takes for that person to regain optimum health".

In the Interview, Patricia will cover:

  * Testing - for toxins, cancer cells, hormones, pH and more

  * Overseas Clinics - what they offer and does it work? 

  * What factors have been shown in research to increase patients' survival times

  * The importance of the mind and mental attitude

  * How medicine is changing and Integrative is slowly becoming the new norm.

How can I see this show? Watch here OR

Join the CANCERactive Community and watch this show on Monday 21st November or any time after that, for a small monthly fee of £5 ; (and watch ALL the past 25+ Sunday Shows and the ones to come in the next 12 months as well, including all the shows in our 'Spectacular' week)


As listeners all too frequently say, "These shows are packed full of useful information - and they are hugely inspiring." 

Several shows now have had over 16,000 viewers during the day.

The Sunday Show 2022
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