The Sunday Show 06: ’Cancer - Why you’re not Doomed?’

The Sunday Show 06: ’Cancer - Why you’re not Doomed?’

On Sunday 20th November Chris will be introducing our 'Spectacular' week of shows with a very special feature 'Why you're not doomed' which is based on his real life experience with cancer patients and on his knowledge of science, as a former Oxford University Biochemist who specialised in cancer.

In this keynote show, Chris will be interviewed on his views by CANCERactive Chairman, Larry Brooks, who says, "Since I have known Chris, he has always be adamant that there is no such thing as 'Terminal cancer' and everybody can beat it! And, it's true that we hear repeated stories in the our charity of people who have done just that, thanks to Chris. It was definitely not an overclaim when Geoff Boycott called him the 'Cancer Guru' and told a BBC interviewer that he was only alive today 'because of Chris Woollams".

In the Interview, Chris will cover:

  * Why the theory of cancer used by oncologists worldwide is actually flawed

  * How you don't have any new 'mutations' in your DNA when you develop cancer

  * How the microenvironment of your cell pollutes the copying process

  * How all the pollutants are potentially reversible

  * How your body provides you with the natural cleaners anyway, to do the job.

"This Interview was a revelation, a total eye-opener. And he convinced me that people really can increase their personal odds of survival," added Larry.

How can I see this show? Watch here OR

Join the CANCERactive Community and watch this show on Sunday 20th November or any time after that, for a small monthly fee of £5 ; (and watch ALL the past 25+ Sunday Shows and the ones to come in the next 12 months as well, including all the shows in our 'Spectacular' week)


As listeners all too frequently say, "These shows are packed full of useful information - and they are hugely inspiring." 

Several shows now have had over 16,000 viewers during the day.

The Sunday Show 2022
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