The Prostate Urine Risk test, used at home first thing in the morning, is able to accurately predict prostate cancer and how aggressive it is, according to Dr. Jeremy Clark and his team from the University of East Anglia, Norwich, Medical School, UK.
Home testing for Prostate cancer
The creators have claimed that the ‘in home testing kit’ will revolutionise diagnosis doing away with the need for dangerous biopsies or MRIs.
The test is far more sensitive than other tests that have been developed, in in-home use will allow for self-testing, with early morning tests extremely accurate.
For men who suspect they might have prostate cancer, it will accurately confirm or deny the presence of the disease. Where a man knows he has the disease the test will confirm how aggressive the cancer is and at what point treatment might be appropriate. This makes it especially useful for men on ‘watch and wait’ or ‘active surveillance’ programmes.
Dr Clark said that this test would rule out the need for a digital rectal examination, blood tests, biopsy and MRI scans. Testing at home means that men may not need to go to hospital for check up every six months. Also the first rine of the day is much higher in biomarkers and is thus moreaccurate.
So far only 14 men used the in home system with results compared against Digital Rectal Examinations. Funding is now being provided for more extensive tests and the University of East Anglia team is suggesting that in-home tests could become the norm for predicting bladder cancer and kidney cancer.
Go to: Prostate Cancer Treatments for the newly Diagnosed