Olive oil now shown to lengthen life

Don’t say we didn’t tell you: In The Rainbow Diet, Chris Woollams makes the point that natural compounds in certain foods can ’protect’ and ’correct’ damage to your cells. He also adds that various natural compounds work synergistically and that  is why he recommends a spectrum of vibrant colour should be consumed across the week.

Now researchers from Spain (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition), analysing data taken from dietary questionnaires provided by 40,622 men and women aged 29 to 69 and living in Spain, recruited into the Europe wide European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, have concluded that:

* There is a link between greater (first pressed Virgin) olive oil intake and a lower      risk of dying over an average of 13.4 years of follow-up.

*  The monounsaturated fats found in olive oil work synergistically with essential fatty acids (for example the omega-3 fat, DHA) to enhance their incorporation into cell membranes.

The questions specifically detailed caloric intake and consumption of olive oil in the diet. The scientists found that participants whose olive oil intake ranked in the top quarter had a 26 percent lower risk of dying of any cause, a 44 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease, and a 38 per cent less risk of dying from other causes than non-users.

The researchers noted that olive oil may be protective against certain cancers, against cellular inflammation, and against heart disease. The protective monounsaturated fats, vitamin E and phenolic compounds in olive oil are the most positive health factors; with two teaspoons a day being an adequate amount.

provide a synergistic effect to shield against heart disease. In prior research, olive oil has been shown to improve systemic inflammation and glycemic control in randomized clinical trials.

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