Curcumin reduces fatty liver disease

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and curcumin can reduce fatty liver disease; they are known to prevent liver inflammation, restrict high blood glucose and are powerful antioxidants;  they can switch off Leptin and reduce liver disease, cirrhosis and fibrosis, according to the St. Louis University Medical School. 

CANCERactive has covered turmeric, (curcuma longa) and curcumin extensively on this website. It is a member of the ginger family and it's general properties include anti-inflammatory, attacking microbes, an antioxidant and a regulator of blood glucose. It is also effective against cancer stem cells and blocks the enzyme glutaminase that converts amino-acid glutamine into glutaminate, a food source for cancer cells.

Curcumin also plays a part in a healthy liver:

Researchers from Saint Louis University School of Medicine have concluded that curcumin can help fight liver fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver by switching off a protein called Leptin. This can help prevent liver disease. Curcumin has also been shown to help detoxify the liver, and so is a useful helper in integrative cancer treatment programmes. Dr Anpin Chen in the pathology department was the author on the study. He said that his team were trying to find natural ways of dealing with liver disease.

We are certainly not alone in our views on this antioxidant and powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

Professor Bharat Aggarwal Ph. D. in MD Anderson’s Department of Therapeutics has conducted a large number of studies, for example showing that in pancreatic cancer with patients having no chemotherapy, it reduced tumour size on its own. He believes it is effective against many types of cancer because it suppresses angiogenesis (the growth of blood vessels essential to a tumour).
Indeed he goes further: "No cancer has been found, to my knowledge, which is not affected by curcumin," 

Aggarwal says. "The reason curcumin is so effective against cancer is that it hits not just a single target or cell signaling pathway but dozens of targets implicated in cancer."


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