CANCERactive Living Proof
This section of CANCERactive is called Living Proof and features interviews with a large number of cancer survivors who beat their oncologists prognosis considerably by building their own Integrative cancer treatment programme and so increasing their personal odds of survival.
They tell their stories in icon magazine so that others with similar cancers and situations will benefit. They are an inspiration to us all. "I beat cancer" is what they can all say.
Surviving cancer by building your own treatment plan
Back in 2002, an Oxford Don called Michael Gearin-Tosh wrote a book called Living Proof about how he rejected most of the orthodox medicine, yet beat his multiple myeloma by building an integrative cancer programme. He became one of our first patrons and gave us his book title as the name of this section of our website.
Since then we have interviewed many people, the majority having been helped by CANCERactive and/or by Chris Woollams one of our founders - another inspiration to us all.
Geoff Boycott beat cancer;
Fiona Shakeela Burns beat cancer;
Galina Dean beat cancer;
Janice beat cancer;
John beat cancer;
Jessica beat cancer;
They are all alive today more than 15 years on. Indeed many, many people who use this website beat cancer - and we are not just talking 5-years!
In this section you will read about cancer patients who became cancer survivors; real people who beat cancer, and they did it their own way. Real people like you. Real people who understand what it means to live with cancer, and what it takes to become a cancer victor. These are inspiring and individual stories.
Living Proof you can beat cancer.
" If you would like help from Chris Woollams in building your own personal plan just ask"
Go to: Feedback and comments from people who have hada personal programme
Go to: Book a Personal Prescription with Chris Woollams