This article has been compiled by Chris Woollams from worldwide research and expert sources*
This must be read in conjunction with the whole of our general article on Leukaemia.
The CANCERactive Difference: Intelligent Information. Independent Voice. On this web site you will find more information about more treatment options (Complementary and Alternative, not just Orthodox), and on more ’possible contributory factors’ to the development and maintenance of your cancer, than on any other UK cancer web site. Some experts believe that approaching your cancer in this ’total’ way can increase an individual’s chances of survival by as much as 60 per cent.
The very latest research evidence from all over the world in our news section Cancer Watch supports all this.
We can do this because we are not hide-bound by vested interests, and so we can always put people first. We are not influenced by companies who seek to make financial gains from patients, we have no trustees working for, or sponsored directly or indirectly by such companies, our directors take no remuneration at all. This is our true independence, from which you benefit directly.
But this comes at a price – we rely on you, and people like you to support our work. 47,703 people visited our site in March 2007, viewing 11 pages on average. Every month we add 20 new pages to this site. If you feel an independent voice is essential in cancer, please, please help by making a donation. Every little helps.

ALL is a cancer of the white blood or lymph cells – 80 per cent of the cases are amongst children.
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Apart from the ‘possible causes’ listed in the general section, there does seem a possibility of a higher genetic link with ALL, even a higher risk in children with Down’s Syndrome. Toxins (like benzene and toluene – which can be found in nail polishes and perfumed products) may be more relevant, and bacterial, viral and fungal infections can be causal. (See the general article on Leukaemia in the box on the left – in particular the section on beneficial bacteria).
Growing concern over the use of chemicals in the food chain and at home
In particular, there is growing concern about a number of factors (from increased use of Caesarians, to irradiation and pasteurisation of foods, the use of mercury-based vaccines, antibiotics – directly prescribed or in food stuffs – pesticides, herbicides, nitrites, the use of in-home cleaning agents and a lack of beneficial bacteria in the diet of our increasingly sterile urban lives – children who live on farms have much stronger immune systems) all of which combine to threaten the full and proper development of a child’s immune system. (See Professor Mel Greaves on Child Cancers; and articles on Beneficial Bacteria, and Can Candida Cause Cancer?)
Some people who have been treated for cancer many years previously can develop ALL, it is suspected due to the chemotherapy agents used. This is then called Secondary Leukaemia.
We have several Living Proofs on ALL – you would be advised to read them to learn of other people’s treatments and experiences.
A laboratory test known as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is advisable for ALL patients, since it may help to identify specific genetic abnormalities, which can have a large impact upon prognosis and, consequently, treatment plans.
PCR testing is especially important for patients whose disease is called ‘B-cell’. Here ALL is usually not cured by standard therapy and the aggressive, cyclophosphamide-based regimens that are used for non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma may be more relevant.
Most children and more than 50% of adults with ALL are positive for what is called the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph1) and many oncologists recommend allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Conventional treatment is not particularly successful and remission may be brief following conventional ALL chemotherapy.
Treatment of ALL is like a chess game with several stages and several things happening at the same time. The main focus is to try and control the disease as it develops in the bone marrow while preventing it developing elsewhere particularly in the Central Nervous system.
Chemotherapy will be used to bring about remission, where leukaemia cells are no longer

found in the bone marrow. For adult ALL, standard induction plans include prednisone, vincristine, and an anthracycline drug; other drug plans may include L-asparaginase or cyclophosphamide. For children with low-risk ALL, standard therapy usually consists of three drugs (prednisone, L-asparaginase, and vincristine) for the first month of treatment. High-risk children may receive these drugs plus an anthracycline such as daunorubicin.
Next comes consolidation therapy (1-3 months in adults; 4-8 months in children) to eliminate any leukemia cells that are still ‘hiding’ within the body. Drugs such as methotrexate and 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) are used.
Next comes Preventative Therapy to stop the cancer from spreading to the brain and nervous system. Treatment may include preventative radiotherapy of the brain and radiation and chemo around the spinal chord.
Finally the doctors may recommend low dose maintenance therapy using drugs such as prednisone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and methotrexate to prevent disease recurrence once remission has been achieved. In children, US Hospitals recommend an intensive 6-month treatment programme followed by 2 years of maintenance chemotherapy.
Steroids: May be given to help the chemotherapy in its action. Should not be taken for long periods – and most usually just for a couple of days per month, so side effects should be slight. These can include puffiness, water retention, higher blood pressure and increased infection levels.
Stem Cell transplants are in their infancy in the UK as a treatment option. The stem cells may come from a family member (an allogeneic transplant) or may be your own (an autologous transplant) which were collected and frozen until you need them.
Surgery: May be used to deal with an enlarged spleen.
Support Therapies: Antibiotics, blood transfusions and even antibody infusions may be given.
Other: All readers should read the General article on Leukaemia and note the pieces on Beneficial Bacteria, Can Candida Cause Cancer? and the use of helpful supplements like vitamin D, vitamin K and herbs like Astragalus, Echinacea and Goldenseal.
Research has been carried in icon Cancer Watch showing that other infections and even cancers are higher amongst children who have ‘beaten’ their cancer. As is depression and suicide.
Building an Integrated Therapy Programme
Leukaemia is a whole-body disease and demands a whole body solution. There is no doubt that the Orthodox therapies do have their limitations, and no one is making any greater claims for Complementary or Alternative Therapies. What is important in Leukaemia is to build a programme of therapies that can give you the best chance of survival – the programme that can increase your personal odds of beating this disease in your own way.
In the main Leukaemia section you will find a thorough overview listing:
Information on the possible factors that might be maintaining your cancer so you can avoid them
Information on diets and supplements
Information on building beneficial bacteria and controlling yeasts and fungal infections that are so common with leukaemia
Information on diet therapies
Information on complementary therapies from acupuncture to massage and Reiki.
Information on Alternative Therapies
Information on orthodox therapies and drugs
There is so much you can do to avoid being yet another statistic. Please try to create a personal programme – some experts believe it can increase survival by up to 60 per cent.
Please start now. Fill in our form (Click here) or ring our Information Hotline on 01280 821211.
More Information on More Therapies
On this web site you will find more information about more treatment options (Complementary and Alternative, not just Orthodox), and on more ’possible contributory factors’ to the development and maintenance of your cancer, than on any other UK cancer web site. Some experts believe that approaching your cancer in this ’total’ way can increase an individual’s chances of survival by as much as 60 per cent.
This is all supported by the very latest research evidence from all over the world in our news section Cancer Watch.
We can do this because we are not hide-bound by vested interests, and so we can always put people first. We are not influenced by companies who seek to make financial gains from patients, we have no trustees working for, or sponsored directly or indirectly by such companies, our directors take no remuneration at all. This is our true independence, from which you benefit directly.
But this independence comes at a price: We can only rely on you, and people like you, to support our work. 47,703 people visited our site in March 2007, viewing 11 pages on average. Every month we add 20 new pages to this site. The letters and e-mails of gratitude and praise tell us we really do make a difference.
If you feel an independent voice is essential in cancer, please, please help by making a donation. Every little helps.

Confused by it all??
Well, we’re only trying to help you beat this disease. If you would like to have a Personal Prescription prepared for you, then click here. It will help you obtain the best information for your personal needs and particular cancer, and thus to make more informed choices and increase your chances of survival.
There is so much you can do to increase your chances of beating this disease. We simply want to help.
The CANCERactive Difference: Intelligent Information. Independent Voice.
*Cancer (and its related illnesses) are very serious and very individual diseases. Readers must always consult directly with experts and specialists in the appropriate medical field before taking, or refraining from taking, any specific action.
This web site is intended to provide research-based information on cancer and its possible causes and therapies, so that you can make more informed decisions in consultation with those experts. Although our information comes from expert sources, and is most usually provided by Professors, scientists and Doctors, our easy-to-understand, jargon-free approach necessitates that journalists, not doctors, write the copy. For this reason, whilst the authors, management and staff of CANCERactive, icon, and Health Issues have made every effort to ensure its accuracy, we assume no responsibility for any error, any omission or any consequences of an error or omission. Readers must consult directly with their personal specialists and advisors, and we cannot be held responsible for any action, or inaction, taken by readers as a result of information contained on this web site, or in any of our publications. Any action taken or refrained from by a reader is taken entirely at the reader’s own instigation and, thus, own risk.