Researchers at Ohio State Universitys Comprehensive Cancer Center, at Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and the Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC-James) have shown that Indole 3 carbinol (I3C), typically in broccoli but also found in Brussels sprouts and some other cruciferous vegetables, blocks the growth of cancer cells in animals (Cancer Prevention Research, June 29th 2010)
The research showed I3C can cause the destruction of the Cdc25A molecule that controls the rapid division of cells. Cdc25A occurs at abnormally high levels in cancers of the breast, prostate, liver, oesophagael, colorectal and womb cancers and in non-Hodgkins lymphoma. I3C caused breast cancer cell growth to halt in the tests.
’Cdc25A is present at abnormally high levels in about half of breast cancer cases, and it is associated with a poor prognosis’, according to Xianghong Zou, assistant professor of pathology at the Ohio State University Medical Center. Drugs previously developed proved too toxic. However, I3C was non-toxic and effective in tests with mice. Tumour size declined 65 per cent.
The research used supplements of the natural compound and these were taken orally.
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