Chaparral - A Native Therapy?

Vitamins, minerals, natural compounds and supplements

Chaparral, an evergreen desert shrub, long used by native Americans to treat everything from colds to cancer has now been shown by the Medical University of South Carolina to, indeed, have the ability to shrink some tumours. In the 50’s to 70’s, Chaparral tea was used as an anti-cancer drink but the FDA warned people off it, claiming possible liver and kidney damage.

Open quotesChaparral has now been shown to have the ability to shrink some tumoursClose quotes

This latest research used injectable refined extracts of Chaparral injected into patients with head and neck cancers that had not responded to previous treatments. No negative effect with either liver or kidneys was seen.

"Clinical trials of M4N (a refined extract taken from Chaparral) will be important", said a spokesman at Cancer Research UK.Rainbow diet          At Last - the definitive, research based book on how to build a diet to help beat cancer. Click here to read about it.

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