Healing herbs from India
Carctol is a combination of natural Indian herbs. Some experts recommend it as a part of a treatment programme for people with cancer and those wishing to prevent it. It is used to help alkalise the body. The herbs are recognised as having medicinal value in India and several of them are recognised as such in the UK. So, although it has not been through the official licensing process in the UK (primarily because of the huge costs required), it is nevertheless classified as a UK medicine and can be prescribed by doctors over here.
Carctol is comprised of the seeds, roots and leaves of eight Ayurvedic Indian herbs. Volumes in descending proportions per capsule are:
* Blepharis Edulis - 200 mg
* Piper Cubeba Linn - 120 mg
* Smilax China Linn - 80 mg
* Ammani Vesicatoria - 20 mg
* Hemidesmus lndicus - 20 mg
* Lepidium Sativum Linn - 20 mg
* Rheumemodi Wall - 20 mg
* Tribulus Terrestris - 20 mg
The product is reported to be completely non-toxic and has been tested in both India (Institute of Medical Sciences) and London (Lyne, Martin and Radford).
Carctol would appear to have several benefits:
The web site clearly says that, "Carctol is a herbal compound containing only rare, natural and indigenous Indian herbs mixed together with proportional strength to treat and heal all types of cancer’s" (sic). Treat and heal is a pretty strong claim!
The claim is then backed up by charts showing 1900 cases of all types of cancer with groups who were 80 - 00 per cent symptom free ranging from about 30 per cent (oesophageal) of patients down to 3 per cent (lymphoma).

The product is supposedly excellent when used during radiotherapy and chemotherapy

The Daily Telegraph once covered the story of Gwen Garner, a lady of advancing years, who had both a primary bladder cancer and a secondary pancreatic cancer. Being told there was nothing more the doctors could do, she went on a course of Carctol. Within 6 months the pancreatic cancer growth had stopped; the original bladder cancer disappeared.
The product is part of a body alkalising diet - acid bodies are linked to cancer - and is supposedly excellent when used during radiotherapy and chemotherapy, preventing patients becoming neutropenic (i.e. there is no compromise of white cells). This would give your body more of a "fighting chance". The oncology unit of Strong brook Hospital, New York reports Carctol as a positive factor in the health of a two-year-old with cancer. She had no negatives during chemotherapy and even put on weight.
Nowhere does the information suggest how these eight herbs work. One UK doctor I know is prescribing it and she says that litmus paper tests on the tongue show the patient’s system progressively going from acid to alkaline. Of course, this could be excellent, as alkalinity is essential for proper cell metabolism and a strong immune response. But then the proponents of Carctol demand a non-acid diet regime.
Simultaneously with Carctol, a vegetarian diet is recommended. As a minimum, patients are advised not to eat "acid foods" like unripe fruits, tomatoes, vinegar or oranges. Carctol works best with a good digestive system.

The effect is supposed to be slow and steady

Normally one capsule is taken four times per day, but a maximum of eight is not unusual. Pre-boiled and cooled water is recommended, not tap water.
The effect is supposed to be slow and steady. A two-month trial is the minimum essential period, but more normally a six-month period is recommended with follow up periods.
Carctol is only available on prescription but apparently it makes a significant difference to those cancer patients on chemotherapy.
Ayurveda means "The science of Life" and Indian medicine starts with the premise that a living creature is composed of soul, mind and body. Many herbs have been widely used for 4,000 years; the willow tree is a natural analgesic, and Neem, a tree, has so many benefits it is often described as the "Village Pharmacy". It is antiviral, anti-fungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Presumably it is also anti-EU.
At last - the definitive, research-based book on how to build a diet to help beat cancer. Click here to read about it.
Please be clear: At CANCERactive we do not consider the above compound to be a cure for cancer, despite what the research says or experts doing the research may claim. The above, is an article on the compound from published research and expert opinion in the public domain. At CANCERactive we do not believe that any single compound (drug, vitamin, whatever) is a cure for cancer. We believe that people can significantly increase their personal odds of survival by building an Integrated Programme of treatments. Equally, cancer prevention is best practiced through a width of measures.