Aloe Vera and cancer

Aloe Vera and cancer

Its only natural

A Mesopotamian Folk Remedy


Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera is a natural plant. The form you buy may be nearly 100 per cent natural. This natural compound was used in Egyptian times to fight skin problems and even skin cancer, and one of its major benefits is its ability to soothe. It contains at least 6 natural ingredients which act as ’anti-inflammatory agents’, reducing inflammation, one of the precursors to cancer.

So can Aloe vera can cancer?

Let’s be clear: At CANCERactive we think no single compound is a ’cure’ for cancer.

However, Dr Lawrence Plaskett, vice-chair of the Nutritional Council in the UK has stated that, "It is amazing in view of all the positive indications which exist for all the anti-cancer effects of Aloe Vera that no medical studies have been initiated in human cancer".

The US Department of Agriculture has however approved Aloe for the treatment of soft tissue cancers in animals (1992) as well as feline leukaemia; and Aloe is approved as an important component in European AIDS therapy where it has a powerful effect on the immune system and complements certain drug therapies.


Aloes first recorded use was in Mesopotamia in about 1500 BC. It was then favoured by both Egyptians and Greeks for the immediate treatment of burns, cuts, wounds, infections and even "parasites".

Aloe is a member of the lily family belonging to the group Xeroids, and grows in dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. There are 200 varieties of which four have nutritional value, the most common variety being Aloe Barbendis Miller.

Open quotesIt was favoured for the immediate treatment of burns, cuts, wounds, infections and even parasitesClose quotes


The usual debate is about the relative merits of the whole leaf or the gel. Some companies claim the inner leaf has the most benefits whilst others claim the outer leaf and rind are the crucial elements. Whatever the debate, Aloe is very well researched. In fact it has almost so many benefits it is easy to feel many of these are overclaims - but they are not!


People in the West started drinking Aloe gel in the late 70s as brands became available, with claims for nutritional, skin care and even weight loss benefits, It can also alkalise the body. However, recent years have seen biochemistry explain the various benefits of Aloe.

Active Compounds

What doesnt Aloe have? Over 200 active compounds have been recorded including vitamins, amino acids, minerals, enzymes, polysaccharides, fatty acids and more. For example:
Polysaccharides and Glycoproteins - We have covered this group of compounds previously in ICON. In 1994 Gilman and Rodbell won a Nobel Prize for showing how G-proteins help cells send messages inside them. By 1999 Blobel had won one for showing how messages pass round the body and in 2001 Hartwell, Hunt and Nurse won one for showing how cell messages operate in growth, division and mistakes. Such signals can clean membranes and receptor site like the diabetes receptor site whilst others pass across membranes. Of particular importance is the way bacteria and viruses, for example bond to locations on membranes. The latter is inhibited by glycoproteins and polysaccharides.

Open quotesAloe vera fights inflammation, and may thus fight cancerClose quotes


If you are thinking of buying Aloe Vera, you might like to look at the Natural selection Product of Choice. You can do this by clicking here


The most potent potysaccharide in Aloe is Acetylated Mannose or Acemannan, which is used in European AIDS treatment, Dr Akira Yagi and team at Fukuyama have isolated a number of these polysaccharide, phenolic and chromone compounds and these are at the core of Aloes anti-viral, anti-bacterial and immune boosting powers. Large polysaccharide molecules from Aloe have been shown to produce Tumour Necrosis Factor in the body, shutting off the blood supply to tumours. Others increase Interferon and macrophage production and T-cell quantity. But in cancer patients T-cells look for clear distinguishing areas on cells to sort the good from the bad and normally only one in a thousand T-cells can actively spot a rogue cell. Aloe polysaccharides also appear to dramatically improve this ratio.


So it is quality, not just quantity, that improves!

Anti-inflammatory benefits - There are a number of active compounds which reduce inflammation and can thus help in conditions from arthritis to wound repair, acne and insect bites. Fatty Acids, like gamma-linoleic acid, reduce inflammation, allergic reactions, blood platelet aggregation and improve wound healing. Salicylic acid is commonly found as aspirin and since 1982 Nobel Prize winner Sir John Vanes work on cellular environments we have known this can control excess prostaglandin production along with other negative factors. Gibberlin, sterols and the amino acids phenylalanine and tryptophan are also involved in anti-inflammatory processes and wound healing.

Open quotesAloe can help blood and lymph circulationClose quotes


Other Benefits - Certain enzymes (Bradykininases) break down Bradykinin, which is a peptide substance causing increased vascular permeability. Aloe can help blood and lymph circulation. In wound healing Aloe doesnt just inhibit acute inflammation (like steroids) but stimulates fibroblast growth to improve wound healing and block the spread of infection (Dr Robert Davis, University of Pennsylvania). Its content of vitamin C. E and zinc will help this process. Lignins can help detoxify the blood and intestine by binding chemically to fats, and finally anthraquinones (aloin, aloe-emodin, barbaloin) are cathartic.



There seem almost too many suppliers of Aloe. Look for one that is organic and preservative tree, contains no (artificial) sweeteners and has at least 90% juice content.


Rainbow diet          At Last - the definitive, research based book on how to build a diet to help beat cancer. Click here to read about it.


 If you are thinking of buying Aloe Vera, you might like to look at the Natural selection Product of Choice. You can do this by clicking here  





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