On Sunday 21st February, Dr Nilash Ramnarine, who has his own show broadcasting throughout the Caribbean and the USA, asked Chris Woollams to give away his secrets when he interviewed him on 'How to Build a personal anti-cancer programme'.
Dr Nilash Ramnarine has been practicing medicine for over 35 years - he is a crucial part of the Ishtara Center in Trinidad and Tobago and has himself written a best-selling book entitled 'Your body can fight cancer'. He has the ideal credentials to interview Chris.
Chris has been building programmes for people since about 2002, when Sir Geoffrey Boycott contacted him one Friday about his tongue cancer, and the next day Galina Dean asked if he could help her beat her Grade 4 Ovarian. The two 'patients' had one thing in common. Geoffrey had been told he had 12 weeks to live; Galina had been told she should go and prepare a will as she had three months at the most.
Both are alive and well today.
Chris is now known for his research and science background - but many people know that he builds Personal Prescriptions. "No two people are the same. They have different cancers, they could be 76 or 36, their needs are different, their support systems are different, their immune systems are different. That's why I build PERSONAL, tailored programmes".
Only recently, he has made 5 videos where he interviewed his patient who had successfully received 'all clear' scans - not one but three or four in a row or more - after being told by their oncologist that they had terminal cancer.
"Cancer isn't a terminal disease; it's a wake up call. People have built a body conducive to cancer - now they need to build one conducive to health. It's not rocket science!"
The Show is now available on The CANCERactive Community (along with all past Sunday Shows) - you can become a member by making a £5 monthly donation, £15 a quarter; £60 a year to CANCERactive. Go HERE to find out all the benefits of membership and join.
Read what real people think of Personal Prescriptions HERE.