The Vega Method

Originally published in December 2003 icon

German Engineering Screening Techniques Allergies & Yeasts Dr. John Millward

Scanning a hand

The Government’s own figures show that flukes have increased in British livestock four-fold since 1997.

The World Health Organisation believes up to 25 per cent of cancers are caused by infection. HPV is linked with cervical cancer, chlamydia with ovarian.

A few prostate and breast cancers may be linked to the Herpes virus. But some of the biggest "parasites" are yeasts, fungi, candida albicans. You may suffer from thrush if you are female, or a brown toenail if you are male. As we mentioned last month, Contemporary Oncology magazine in the USA concluded that yeasts were a serious threat in cancer. But how can you properly tell?

Following many requests, here we publish information from two top practitioners on how they feel you can test for the presence of any parasite. Both were asked separately and independently to comment and since both have written more widely to include matters of general health and body energy we are printing both pieces in full.

The Vega Method For Diagnosis and Treatment

by John Millward

Open quotesOur National Health Service is failing to cope with the ever-increasing numbers of patients suffering from cancerClose quotes

We are constantly reminded that our National Health Service is failing to cope with the ever-increasing numbers of patients suffering from cancer and other chronic illnesses. Criticism of the NHS, however justified, is counterproductive unless it can lead to a radical new approach to the treatment of disease. Many people would suggest that the German model of health care could be a good example for this country to follow.

Germany has adopted a fundamentally different approach to health care. GPs are required to offer patients alternative medical treatments if conventional medicine doesn’t work within a specified period of time. This has had two consequences. Firstly many German GPs themselves now offer alternative medicine. Secondly hospital consultants are prepared to accept alternative medical findings from both medically qualified and non-medical practitioners

The discovery of homoeopathy is attributed to a German doctor. In England the few NHS homoeopathic hospitals still practise the original form of treatment known as classical homeopathy. Germany and other countries, have now developed newer and more powerful remedies known as complex and resonance homeopathies. Also a variety of instruments have been developed to aid alternative practitioners. Many of them magnify the subtle electrical currents that flow between the various parts of both individual cells and organs. It is now possible to use these instruments to assess the function of the various organs of the body and how both illness and treatment can affect them.

Open quotesAmerican industry has realised the enormous potential of this approach to medicineClose quotes

American industry has realised the enormous potential of this approach to medicine and is rapidly catching up with the German technologies. This has led to increasing numbers of alternative practitioners, but as yet there has been little interest shown in combining both forms of medicine under the umbrella of qualified doctors. Meanwhile in the UK the official attitude still discourages alternative medicine, its instruments and the newer forms of homeopathy.

Vega - German Engineering At Work

Vega of Germany is an engineering company with a reputation for producing high quality measuring instruments. For many years it has also been involved in the research and production of measuring instruments for use in alternative medicine. It now produces a variety of models. There is a small portable version that relies upon the use of various test ampoules. The newer larger computerised version allows the practitioner to perform many more tests in a comparatively short time. By using the Vega, or similar, machine this enables an alternative practitioner to reach a conclusion within 30 minutes. The computerised machine is called the Vega Expert and the rest of this article refers to its use. However, it should be noted that Vega also produces a variety of more complex measuring and treatment machines.

In this country the name Vega has been associated with a number of bad news stories, largely the result of unqualified people claiming to diagnose allergies and mineral/vitamin deficiencies. There is an interesting parallel between the Vega machines and the humble stethoscope. Anyone can buy a stethoscope, pretend to be a doctor, and then pretend to make a medical diagnosis. Heart specialists have to undergo many years of training before they can claim to make an accurate diagnosis using a stethoscope.

Open quotesVega machines work by involving the patient in an electrical circuitClose quotes

The Vega machines work by involving the patient in an electrical circuit. A baton is held in one of the patient’s hands and the circuit completed by applying a stylus (like a ballpoint pen) to the opposite hand or foot. The process is non-invasive and painless. Is it easy to operate? Any doctor, dentist or nurse could learn to use it in a very short time. With practice comes expertise and a knowledge of the various alternative remedies. If it were a difficult technique there wouldn’t be 14,000 to 20,000 of these machines in German doctors’ and dentists’ surgeries.

The Vega machine can be used for both diagnosis and treatment. Knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology is needed to help with making a diagnosis. Then the effectiveness and safety of any proposed treatments can be assessed. Therefore the range of knowledge possessed by the operator is the only limit to the range of treatments on offer. I have found that the machine yields answers that makes pathology become alive and therefore dispenses with the need to make vague or misleading diagnoses. After 30 minutes, or less, the operator is in possession of sufficient knowledge to make one of three choices. Firstly there may be the need to refer the patient on to another qualified practitioner for further advice and investigation. Secondly the patient could be offered conventional treatment, or thirdly alternative therapy.

So how does this machine operate? Like any machine it has to be calibrated and requires an initial test to determine if the patient is either healthy or not functioning properly. Because the machines are based upon the Chinese principle of energy and meridians, it is possible to tell if the patient’s Yang and Yin are equally balanced. If there is too much Yang then the patient is hyperactive, If there is too little Yang then the patient is under-active and fatigued.

Screening Techniques

Open quotesViral, bacterial and fungal infections are shown in the screening testClose quotes

There are two screening tests providing clues that can lead to more detailed tests and an eventual diagnosis. It is possible to discover if the patient is suffering from stress, is depressed or suffering from another mental illness. Viral, bacterial and fungal infections are shown in the screening test. It is important to distinguish between various infections because resonance homeopathic remedies are capable of destroying viruses.

Although vaccine damage is denied in this country, it is accepted, diagnosed and treated on the continent. Deficiencies of hormones, enzymes, minerals and vitamins can be highlighted. Tumours, if present, can be classified as benign, pre-malignant and cancerous. It is possible to signal the presence of toxic metals and other pollutants. If the patient has allergies then they would be expected to reveal their existence during a screening test. Of arguably greater interest to a conventional doctor, it is possible to identify an overdose, raised cholesterol, high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, raised urea, raised uric acid and low blood levels of oxygen.

Following the screening tests, it is then possible to make a more detailed investigation. The Vega machine enables the operator to assess the function of every single organ in the body. If there are tests missing in the machine for any small anatomical parts of the body this can be overcome by the use of separate specific test ampoules that can be placed on the machine.

Allergies and Yeasts

There are four more sections devoted to various allergies. However I find that most of these problems will disappear once the underlying disease has been identified and treated. There follows tests for toxic metals, which may be of more interest to dentists. The next section enables the operator to confirm the presence of fungi, viruses, bacteria and parasites. The machine is even capable of identifying individual organisms, and once again if any doubt persists there are more comprehensive test ampoules available. Parasitic infections are common causes of many diseases including cancer. Parasites are difficult to identify in pathology laboratories and therefore these infections usually pass unnoticed. Conventional, homeopathic, and herbal remedies can successfully treat parasites, once identified.

Open quotesThe machine is even capable of identifying individual organismsClose quotes

The next section of tests identifies individual deficiencies of hormones, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. The latter is perhaps the most important test of all because conventional medicine looks for very few minerals. (In all chronic disease there is always some mineral deficiency. In cancer there is invariably a selenium deficiency. Selenium is seldom, if ever, estimated so cancer patients are deprived of this most essential treatment).

The Vega Expert is also an invaluable tool for dentists. It can identify any dental or associated medical disease and even the individual diseased tooth. If there are electrical currents flowing between different types of metal fillings the machine can identify and correct this problem.

The remainder of the tests are principally of interest to alternative practitioners, because they are designed to identify the most appropriate treatments, their dosage, strength and frequency of use.

Cancer, like all other chronic disease, has an underlying pathological cause and consequent mineral, and possibly vitamin, deficiency. In the hands of a competent operator the Vega Expert can, in less than thirty minutes, identify the presence of a cancer, its cause and the inevitable mineral deficiencies. The patient can then, with confidence, be referred for specialist advice and treatment. Imagine the changes that could take place within the NHS if GPs and hospital practitioners would embrace these technologies. Waiting lists would shrink, workloads diminish and patients would get greater satisfaction. We could progress from having a third world service to a modern health care system like Germany. And the individual doctor could become the controller and conductor of both conventional and alternative medicine.

Dr John Millward

Dr John Millward

Dr John Millward was educated at Oxford and Bart’s Hospital and worked in general practice in Bournemouth. He had a special interest in complementary medicine, studied homeopathy acupuncture and took various courses in homeopathic remedies and equipment from a variety of German doctors.

He now works with his wife Vicky at:
Southbourne Natural Health Centre
Mulberry House
4 Herons Mead
Throop Road
Tel: 01202 516695

To purchase Dr Millward’s book please click "The Treason Within" .

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