Increased cancer survival due to diet and lifestyle changes

Increased cancer survival due to diet and lifestyle changes

Proof that diet and exercise increase survival in cancer
Colorectal cancer patients who improve their diet and lifestyle, survive longer with a 42 per cent reduced risk of death than those who do not make the changes. 
The results, from an American Cancer Society study(1) presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology showed survival extension and ‘cure’ way beyond that provided by chemotherapy and even the new breed of ‘better’ drugs, belittling claims frequently made by Pharmaceutical companies.
The American Cancer Society produced a booklet in 2012 entitled ‘Nutrition and Physical Activity Guidelines for Cancer Survivors’.  That followed research showing that complementary therapies - such as diet, exercise and weight control, could increase survival times and even prevent a cancer returning. Having developed guidelines for cancer patients for both Diet and Exercise, this new research was an attempt to see if the guidelines did actually make a difference!
The study followed almost 1000 colorectal cancer patients for more than 7 years. Each was stage 3 and had had surgery and chemotherapy. Those who stuck most closely to the guidelines, had a staggering 31 per cent less recurrence and 42 per cent lowered death rate! 
Realising the enormity of the results, the researchers were quick to point out that ‘This does not mean cancer patients should give up on the drug treatments simply for a healthier life style of exercise and nutrition’’.
Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist and a founder of CANCERactive said, "Frankly, I know of no drug that can achieve these sort of figures, especially in patients where there has been some metastases. The guidelines of the ACS are very similar to those of CANCERactive.
Research studies like this are important to know about - especially when your doctor or nurse say dangerous things like ’changing your diet when you have cancer makes no difference’!"
Ref (1): Van Blarigan E, Fuchs CS, Niedzwiecki D, et al.
2017 Research
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