Chemotherapy can actually encourage cancer spread, according to new research findings (1) by a team of scientists from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.
Dr. George Karagiannis, Jessica Pastoriza, and others from Departments of oncology, surgery, pathology and radiology studied breast cancer patients and showed that while chemotherapy could ‘knock back’ a cancer tumour by killing some cancer cells, it could also make matters far worse by encouraging cancer spread (increasing metastases). It is metastases that limit survival times and cause death.
The study was done in mice which had been given breast cancer, but the system found by which cancer cells started to metastasise was identical to that proven clinically in humans.
Cancer cells leaving tumours were already known get into the blood supply through special ‘doors’ called Tumour Microenvironment of Metastasis (TMEM). This new research showed that chemotherapy actually increased the number of doors, increased the activity through them and promoted distant metastases in the body.
Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist and founder of CANCERactive said, “This research is damning of chemotherapy, especially as it is not the first study to make this claim.
Drug companies and charities such as Cancer Research simply cannot wriggle out of these findings by looking at this research in isolation and/or claiming that this was shown in mice not humans, because TMEM is proven to be exactly the system in humans too.
This is now about the fourth time in the last 5 years that Chemotherapy has been shown to actually encourage cancer growth – to make matters worse. For example, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle showed in 2012 that chemotherapy also attacked ‘fibroblasts’ next to the cancer cells and these released a protein, WNT16B, that could be then used by cancer cells to protect themselves from further chemotherapy, increase growth and increase invasion rates. It talked about chemotherapy ‘Backfiring’ – or making matters worse (2). A similar result.
And it is not just ‘Old fashioned Chemotherapy’ that can be blamed. As anyone with breast cancer who has had a Personal Prescription with me will know, I am extremely concerned about Paclitaxel (Taxol) because it has been shown to CAUSE metastases too! A paper (extract 6014) presented at the 27th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. German researchers from the Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena found that the action of Taxol causes a massive increase in metastases around the body, which could appear as cancer some years after treatment had finished (3).
The problem is simple. These drugs are chemical toxins. Too often their performance is simply compared against the performance of existing drug combinations. And that is inadequately measured by the ability to reduce tumour size.
The FDA has reported that anyway more than 40 per cent of Clinical Trials with drugs are inaccurate.
Meanwhile, cancer charities talk about increasing survival in a way that is totally meaningless to cancer patients. To Cancer Research UK it is an issue of extra days or weeks. To people with cancer it is an issue of beating cancer – of not having the disease any more. There is a complete lack of patient understanding going on.
We have only recently seen research from Oxford University showing that orthodox treatment for Prostate Cancer does not make a jot of difference to survival times (4). This too was the fourth such study. In any other business, the propagators of the over-claimed orthodox treatment usage, if they continued after such a finding, would be sued for fraud.
At least reason and honesty is starting to come through in the Medical Profession. The Academy of the Royal Medical Colleges in the UK talked of drugs for palliative care ‘creating false hope’ and ‘doing more harm than good’ (5), while NICE withdrew four out of every five drugs used in the Government special Chemotherapy fund, ‘because they didn’t work’. Even the Queen’s Doctor and former-President of the Royal College of Physicians, along with six other top Doctors, has talked of the heavy and negative influence of Big Pharma on Public Health (6) providing ‘useless and sometimes harmful drugs’.
Frankly, the current situation on chemotherapy and other drugs is a mess and it needs a completely independent body to come in and sort it out because leading cancer charities, Health Authorities and Western Governments are all infiltrated by the misleading propaganda machine – from pharmaceutical companies to skeptics – and the power, fraud and corruption, a $70 billion market brings.
Cancer drug treatments are letting the patients down, and the taxpayers too".
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