Originally published in Issue 3 2005 icon
Dr Kenyon can also be reached directly, via www.doveclinic.com
Telephone: 020 7580 8886 or 01962 718 000
I’m looking for guidance about alternative cancer treatment centres and wonder if you can offer any help.My partner has suffered from cervical cancer for the last seven years and has been treated with a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. (We have also been avid readers of icon and have followed much of your advice on diet and healthy living.) However, it seems we are coming to the end of the line with conventional medicine and I am researching cancer hospitals that use alternative methods of treatment. For example I was very interested in Chris’s interview with Dr Contreras of the Oasis of Hope Clinic in Mexico.
The biggest issue I face is how to choose between different treatment centres, and I would gratefully appreciate any advice you have.
There are many alternative cancer treatment centres worldwide. I’d look for one that has a mixture of conventional and alternative approaches. The downside of the Mexican centres is that they have relatively little in terms of conventional approaches available to them.
Essentially, what we concentrate on at the Dove Clinic is safe treatments for late-stage cancers and therefore we cannot use standard chemotherapy or radiotherapy, as most of our patients have Stage 4 cancers and cannot tolerate these approaches.
In terms of tumour cell destruction, our most successful approach has been with Photodynamic Therapy. We also do a great deal of work in stimulating cell mediated immunity and this relates to various sub-sets of white cells. This is a complex area and is not just a case of simply stimulating the immune system. We can do that specifically against the protein on the patient’s tumour using targeted vaccines known as dendritic cell vaccines.
I hope this is helpful.
I have recently been diagnosed with lieomyosarcoma of the uterus. My general gynaecological consultant has given me such a bleak picture of the outcome, I almost wanted to give up there and then.My friend has been to one of Chris Woollams’ lectures and bought two of the books. They have been a little ray of hope in what appears to be a very bleak time.
I would like to know if there is anything specific to these cancers that I can do for myself. I am a single parent with a 13 year old daughter.
Your gynaecologist has painted a bleak picture of the outcome and it is true that sarcomas in general are not noted for their cure rates.
Generally speaking, surgery is an important option. Chemotherapy, also generally speaking, offers a four percent chance of any effect.
I can only quote our own findings, that with Photodynamic Therapy we have managed to hold several sarcomas in a stable condition, in one case for more than a year.
However, we have not cured any of them. We have had no effect using standard nutritional medicine but have had some marginal effects using angiogenesis inhibitors (preparations to stop new blood vessel formation in tumours) and vigorous stimulation of cell mediated immune function, using specific proteoglycans preparations.
These I feel are the main areas to concentrate on.
My husband has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. Thirty years ago he worked in a boatyard building fibreglass boats and I am wondering whether the fibreglass dust contributed to his disease.I am particularly concerned because our son also works in a boatyard. Is there anything he can do to protect himself or at least build up his immune system?
The chances are that the fibreglass itself isn’t responsible, but the solvents, which are very volatile when building fibreglass boats, can be very toxic to the lungs.
I personally have seen several lung cancer patients who have worked in environments with high volatile hydrocarbons such as dry cleaners. I haven’t been able to locate any epidemiological studies on this particular factor, but I feel certain they must exist.
From your son’s point of view, I would get some advice on how he could best detox from the almost constant inhalation in enclosed spaces of volatile hydrocarbons.
Also on methods of stimulating his cell mediated immunity. This is our main defence system against cancer.