There are currently 2 videos which have been published by Health Issues Limited and are offered for sale through Natural Selection’s on-line shop:
Eat To Beat CancerInterview with Chris Woollams by journalist, Madeleine Kingsley
Did you know that there are actually foods you can eat which help you fight a cancer? Or supplements you can take? Or foods and supplements to help prevent it in the first place?
While good foods can help you fight a cancer, bad foods will help the cancer fight you!
Everything You Need To Know About Breast and Prostate CancerInterview with Chris Woollams by journalist, Madeleine Kingsley
What caused your breast cancer? Is it still driving your cancer? Was it hormonally driven? If it was, how do you help yourself to cut out all of the factors what may still be helping it?
Clue: Your shampoo, soap and antiperspirant may not be doing you any favours!
Do you think testosterone caused your prostate cancer?
Think again. Research says otherwise. And do you even need an operation? Find out exactly how you can do more to help yourself.
Clue: Think supplements, diet and weight loss.
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