Our intrepid trekkers return triumphant!
Congratulations and well done to our magnificent team who all returned unscathed from their life changing experience. A huge thank you to Elaine Willis, Elizette Alves, Katherine Callan, Jude and Tom Williams, Susan Ribbens, Denise Palmer, Lorraine Hobbs, Rosemary Osbourne and Barry Ritchie who between them, after costs, raised over 18,000 for CANCERactive.
A Psychic evening in the Wirral!

Susan Davidson, Michael Byrne, Wendy Gorman
Our volunteer Regional Executive, Susan Davidsons account of her successful, rather unusual, event.
It all began with a thought! That thought was to contact as many people as I could to see if they would like to receive Chris Woollams e-newsletter. Michael Byrne was one of those people and in the course of our conversation he explained that he had become a professional psychic medium four years ago and he would present a psychic event for CANCERactive if that was something we would like to do. Certainly a different fund raising event but would it attract enough people? I asked family and friends including members of a book club I belong to and all responded positively. Once I saw the auditorium at the new visitor centre at Ness Gardens on Wirral I knew that was where I wanted it to be and we agreed on Thursday 5th July. As part of the arrangement, ticket holders could stroll around the beautiful gardens before the event as well as dine in the licensed restaurant pre performance.
I decided on a ticket price and then set to publicity of the event. I had brilliant help from the reprographics department at a local university who created some lovely artwork. Then, Wendy Gordon, who is also a CANCERactivist and a very good friend, helped me to distribute the flyers. I contacted What’s On web sites, local press, radio stations, free magazines and local television stations. Another friend said that I must know a lot of people to consider organising such an event well it helps, but to be honest, when you are passionate about raising funds for a charity that you believe in then you will talk to anyone to sell your tickets. Initially tickets sold well and then sales slowed and yes, I went through a few moments of wondering how I would sell the rest. A friend Barbara and I regularly spend time walking and talking and she would remind me in those moments about why I chose to do this in the first place.
I had 160 tickets to sell and we had sold 80 with two weeks to go, at 10 a ticket when bought in advance I knew the other 80 had to be sold, so my brilliant husband Gavin was sent off with over a thousand pieces of photo copy paper to copy more flyers which Wendy and I left in places where people would wait for appointments e.g. hairdressers, beauty salons, therapy clinics etc. We had the most wonderful raffle prizes offered to us and we didn’t have to ask for a single one (Generosity was another virtue we experienced many times).
The day arrived. We had sold 150 tickets and were looking forward to the event. By 5:30pm we were setting up the raffle table and the CANCERactive display and by 6pm people started to arrive. By 7:30pm I was addressing 160 people, who were comfortably seated in the auditorium. I explained a little bit about the charity and then introduced Michael. Time passed very quickly and the response from the audience reflected Michael’s gift. The energy in the room was amazing and the sense of satisfaction at what had been achieved was very special.

We were able to send CANCERactive 1520 for which I would like to thank everyone who supported the event. So many people worked together in so many different ways and we raised money for a brilliant charity who need donations from people like you and me.
On Tuesday October 16th at 7:30pm Chris Woollams, the co founder of CANCERactive, will be addressing 160 people in the auditorium at Ness Gardens. Tickets are 5 in advance, 7 on the door. Will you be there to hear the latest news about cancer and its prevention? I know what I am doing next, creating more flyers for the event!!
Quotes from Marathon Man, Simon Heale!
Wow. If there were any lingering doubts or fears over Sunday, then your wishes and support have banished them. Not only am I running for Canceractive, but I am running for Christopher Wells and everyone else who might have to use your vital service in the future.
and after ..
Hi from an exhausted and sun-drenched runner. Just to let you know that I managed to stagger in for an OK, given the conditions, 3 hours 46 minutes marathon. It was the hottest and most unpleasant Sunday morning that I have had in along time. Needless to say the crowds were amazing, apart from the barracking I got for walking during the last mile. What got me through the last few miles was thinking of why I was doing the run, for Chris Wells, for CANCERactive and for all the wonderful support from all of you. Thank you.
Simon raised over 400 for CANCERactive. Thanks to everyone who sponsored Simon and well done Simon on your fantastic achievement.
Forthcoming Events:
Great North Run, 30th September
CANCERactive runners are:
Anita Lannen
Jonny Hook
Lisa Farrell
Tim Lewis
Margaret Hudson
Great South Run, 28th October
CANCERactive runners are:
Sam Williams
Judy Tucker
Claire Mowbray
Tim Lewis
Margaret Lewis
Parachuting together on 22nd September:
Lidda Basic
Terry Brooks
Debora Duarte
Jo Vandersloten
Claudia Verona
12th October A Cheese & Wine Party to keep abreast of!
Roger and Caroline Knapman have kindly agreed to host a cheese and wine party at their home, Coryton House, Near Lewdown, Okehampton on Friday 12th October starting at 6pm.
During that evening our keen supporter, George Mudge, will be explaining how he has set up a thermal imaging service in memory of his dear wife, Doreen. Although it is particularly useful in early detection of breast abnormalities, it can be used on any part of the body and is non-invasive and painless.
All proceeds from the evening are for CANCERactive. If you would like a ticket for 12th October or more information about Georges new service, please call him on 01822 615456 or email [email protected]