The staggering statistics on pet cancer cats and dogs

The staggering statistics on pet cancer  cats and dogs

Cancer is the number one disease which kills petsAlmost one in two dogs over the age of 10 years develops cancer. A figure of 47% currently compares with cats at roughly 32%. But, it is predicted to get worse; much worse. In the USA, two in three dogs and at least one in three cats are predicted to be diagnosed with cancer in the future. Its an epidemic and, for dogs especially, the figures are worse than for humans!

Types of pet cancer - Approximately one third of the cancers in dogs are skin cancers. Dogs also develop more types of cancer, in a similar way to humans – breast cancer, bone, head and neck, lymph, gut and so on. Thus, dogs develop breast cancers that spreads to the bones; they also develop prostate cancer.

After skin cancer, breast cancer and leukemia are the most common cancers in dogs while lymphoma is the most common cancer in cats. 

Breeds and cancer in dogs - There seem to be links between cancer incidence and different breeds. For example, Rotweilers are at the top of the list with bone cancer common; and other large dogs like Great Danes (osteosarcoma), Mountain dogs, German Shepherds are more prone to cancer. 

Causes of pet cancer - While many people suggest this points to a genetic predisposition to cancer, others have shown their cancers are linked to factors common with humans – for example, Labradors become fat if they don’t get enough exercise, and that leads to more illnesses and cancer; and many dogs live beyond their normal lifespans in the modern world.
Often food is not freshly prepared but tinned or dried. Some animals are only given premium food - its still processed food! Animals in households where there is cigarette smoke seem to develop more cancers. There are suggestions that animals that groom themselves more frequently may develop more cancer – possibly due to environmental toxins on their coats. For example, floor cleaners, flame retardants on furniture, and PCBs are believed to be causes. 
Go to: Toxic Pets

Human causes of pet cancer - People also don’t clean their pet food bowls often enough or leave ageing food in there. They may serve out of date food or store it badly, for example, leaving dried food unsealed. Then there is a growing vaccine culture with animals. 

Cancer symptoms in pets are similar to those in humans – they may feel pain in a limb, exhibit a lump, lethargy, changed bowel or urine habits, blood in stools, weight loss, persistent coughs, an abnormal odour and more.

Cancer in cats – The most common is lymphoma which is associated with feline leukemia virus (FeLV). Although cats have only half the rate of cancer than developed by dogs, cat cancer tends to be more aggressive. They develop more oral cancer but whereas cats used to develop quite high levels of mammary cancer, higher levels of spaying have cut this. 

What is interesting is that cats develop quite high levels of fibrosarcoma or soft tissue cancer, which develops in muscles or connective tissue following an injection or vaccination!

 ***** FREE DOCU-SERIES *****

Starting Wednesday 4th April 2018, there is a Documentary Series The Truth about Pet Cancer. More than 30 HOLISTIC pet health experts and vets have been interviewed. One program airs each day, all day for 7 days. Completely FREE to watch, no strings attached. 

In the series they cover such topics as:
 * The vitamin crucial to pet health
 * Four simple fresh items to make your pet food healthier
 * The number one supplement to boost your pets immunity
 * The two biggest environmental cancer causes (and why your pet is more at tisk than you)
 * Cheap, alternative, non-toxic flea and tick treatments 

And so much more - tips, alternatives, and things to watch for.
Go to: FREE Docu-series NOW!! -
The Truth about Pet cancer


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