In a worrying development, several top medical schools and mainstream media have co-incidentally come out of the closet in recent months on the dangers of the new immunotherapy drugs.
A New York Times article(1) tells the story of a patient who had been given the ‘Double hit’; a combination of two different immunotherapies about which oncologists have been eulogizing in recent months. In this case Yale Researchers watched as the patient’s blood pressure plummeted and blood sugar soared to 10 times the maximum safe level. What had happened? The unleashed immune system was now attacking the patient’s internal organs!
This seems to be an all too frequent occurrence when people have the ‘double hit’ combination treatment with the boosted immune system attacking liver, lungs, kidneys, pancreas and even the heart. Some 2% of people taking the ‘double hit’ immunotherapy drugs suffer a heart attack.
Even in single therapy treatments, for example with ipilimumab, potentially serious side-effects were seen in 20 per cent of cases(2). One study with the PD-1 based immunotherapy reported numerous side effects in nearly 30 per cent of patients. This rises to over 50 per cent when two immunotherapy drugs are used in combination(3).
Yale researchers have seen the blood sugar phenomenon many times – they believe these wonder drugs can even cause a new type of diabetes.
So, are doctors warning their patients?
Big Pharma’s drugs for cancer are an $80 billion business. Immunotherapy drugs are reported to have the potential to add an extra 50 per cent to this – giving $120 billion of revenue and a large increase to bottom line profits.
Go To: Our comprehensive overview on Immunotherapy