"Sodium Bicarbonate increases tumour pH
and suppresses spontaneous metastases"
(Cancer Res 2009; (6) March 15, 2009)
A UK GP has recently sent us a March 2009 research paper that was first published on line. The researchers were from the Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, the Department of Pharmacology in Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan and the H Lee Moffitt Cancer Institute in Tampa Florida (Ian F Robey et al).
The research article explains that the extra-cellular pH of malignant solid tumours is acidic, in the range of 6.5 to 6.9 (a healthy human would have tissues in the 7.2 to 7.5 range). Quoting previous research studies the researchers discuss how tumour cell invasion can be stimulated by acidic conditions. Tumours export acid, a by product of glucose metabolism, and the acid aids both their survival and extension.
The research set out to test the hypothesis that neutralizing the acidpH of tumours would inhibit invasion and reduce the incidence of spontaneous metastases.
The results were clear. Using oral Sodium Bicarbonate increased the pH and neutralized the acidity of the tumours; and stopped metastases taking hold.
There was also a reduction in the rate of lymph node involvement, and a reduction in the formation of liver metastases after intra-splenic injection, concluding that sodium bicarbonate did inhibit extravasation and colonization.
The work was done using mice and breast cancer. While the sodium bicarbonate had a significant effect in the surrounds of the tumour, it did not lower the acidity inside the tumour. Nor did it reduce the numbers of cancer cells already circulating in the body. Despite a lack of activity inside the original tumour, the researchers showed that metastatic activity to lungs, intestines and other tissues fell dramatically.
A variety of systems were used in the measuring process from fluorescence microscopy to magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
The experiment used an identical control group. No dehydration was noted in the sodium bicarbonate-drinking group. A human equivalent consumption for a 70 kgs adult would be 12.5 grams per day.
The full report is available from The American Association for Cancer Research, and copies may be obtained from Robert J Gillies at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center. Clinical trials are now planned.
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