If you already shop online why not help CANCERactive, at no extra cost to you. CANCERactive can receive up to 15% from purchases that you would make anyway if you use the links on www.easyfundraising.org.uk.
’Easyfundraising’ is a free online shopping directory which enables charities, voluntary groups and non-profit organisations to raise valuable funds simply by shopping online. You can support CANCERactive and shop online with over 350 popular retailers including NEXT, Amazon, PLAY.com, Toys’R’Us, Early Learning Centre, HMV and DELL. Everytime you buy something the retailer will make a donation to CANCERactive of up to 15% of the purchase price.
It doesn’t cost you a penny and you could save money as many of the retailers give exclusive discounts and savings to people shopping with the easyfundraising site.
Step 1: Register CANCERactive as the cause you support.
Step 2: Go shopping! Your "account" will be updated as you shop to show how much you have raised for CANCERactive.
Just click and start raising money for CANCERactive.