Here are two recipes to help people beat cancer; they deliberately use everday supermarket food. Why not read the Tree of Life - the anti-cancer diet for really helpful diet information, an easy understanding of what can help you, foods to include in your shopping trolley and loads more recipes from Catherine.
4 tomatoes, skinned and finely chopped;
1 red pepper, finely chopped;
1 clove garlic, crushed;
1 onion, finely chopped;
400g tin of chopped tomatoes;
handful of fresh tarragon (chopped)
Slowly soften onions and garlic in a large pan with a teaspoon of olive oil. Add red pepper and tomatoes. Cook for a further two minutes before adding tinned tomatoes, two tinfuls of water and the tarragon. Simmer for an hour
TIP: This dish is highly nutritious with loads of antioxidants. If you’re having chemotherapy, it’s good to cook this the day before and keep it in the fridge so if you’re tired you just have to reheat it.
2 chicken breasts (ideally organic);
1 fennel bulb, thickly sliced (keep the feathers for garnishing);
1 large tomato, thickly sliced;
100g black olives, stoned and chopped;
2 sprigs rosemary;
olive oil
Cook the fennel slowly until soft and brown (about five minutes). Then divide it in two and place on two large square pieces of foil. Top with a slice of tomato, rosemary, chicken breast and black olives. Season and add a few drops of olive oil. Close the foil into parcels and bake in a medium oven for 40 minutes.
TIP: These are great to make up and freeze to cook when you’re tired or feeling sick. Make sure you defrost thoroughly before cooking.
Sadly, on October 22nd 2004 at 2.00 am Catherine passed away. The oncologist told her parents that when he first saw her he ’gave’ her 6 months maximum to live, as it was a grade 4 cancer then. The most anyone has lived is 18 months and Catherine survived three and a half years.
’Survived’ is certainly the wrong word. ’Enjoyed’ might be more appropriate.
She never complained; she always took the attitude that all people get sick and, for some reason, she had been dealt a card that was an unavoidable death sentence. Just bad luck. She always knew that there was no cure, but she was determined to be positive and never wished to be regarded, nor regard herself, as a victim.