The use of radioactive iodine in people with overactive thyroid problems has been shown in research from the National Cancer Institute to be linked to cancers in other parts of the body, particularly breast cancer.
Since the 1940s, people with an overactive thyroid have been routinely treated with radioactive iodine. Iodine is readily taken up by cells in the thyroid and especially those causing over-activity. The aim of the treatment is to kill the cells responsible for the hyperthyroidism. Official Websites talk of it being 'one of the most common treatments, used for over 60 years, highly successful, non-invasive, cheap, easy to administer and easy to recover from'.
However, there are concerns. In some cases this treatment has been excessive and patients report it has destroyed the whole thyroid. Equally, there have been real concerns about increased levels of radioactive iodine collecting in tissues elsewhere in the body. These concerns have now been confirmed, and they are linked to increased levels of cancer.
Carl Kitahara, an investigator with the NCI epidemiology unit said that for every 1000 people treated with standard dose radioactive iodine, 20-30 people would develop a solid tumour in an organ.
In the case of breast cancer, the levels of mortality equally those found in the vicinity of the Japan nuclear bombings of World War II.
Radioactive iodine is still commonly used, particularly for Grave’s disease. But hyperthyroidism is believed by orthodox medicine to be an auto-immune disease.
Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist said, “I looked into this issue because I have just been talking with a patient who had exactly this problem. Radioactive iodine destroyed her whole thyroid. Now she has to take synthetic thyproxine. That in itself is linked with higher levels of cancer.
Go to: Link between synthetic thyroxine and breast cancer
Patients may be short of iodine, itself linked to higher levels of cancer. And now this - radioactive iodine can collect in secondary tissues and is linked to a higher risk of cancer, especially breast cancer.
Frankly, the term ‘autoimmune disease’ has been routinely used to explain situations that were not understood by doctors. These days we know that these 'autoimmune responses actually stem from a problem that has occurred in the microbiome which needs fixing. Hopefully armed with this knowledge that thehyperthyroidism can come from an imbalance in the microbiome, doctors will be less speedy with the radioactive iodine”.
CANCERactive - the appliance of Science