Professor Gail Prins and her team at the University of Illinois, Chicago have shown that exposure to the chemical BPA in the womb, increases the risk of prostate cancer later in life.
Experiments using mice showed that feeding the animals the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) almost tripled their risk of cancer or pre-cancerous changes. Deliberately, the doses of BPA provided were in proportion to those seen seen routinely in human pregnant women.
Only recently the World Health Organisation called for governments to ban BPA (along with phthalates, parabens and more), which is widely used to soften plastics. It is a proven xenoestrogen, a chemical that not only mimics the action of oestrogen, but by-passes the hormone defence systems of the body.
The chemical is now banned from babies’ feeding bottles in the EU.
Several years ago here in Cancer Watch we covered research on the links between 13 common chemicals and increased risk of prostate cancer. All turned out to be xenoestrogens.
For more on xenoestrogens and illness, especially on how to cut your body load, see our newly updated book ‘Oestrogen – the killer in our midst’. For a review, Click Here.