Brain tumours – how long can the Government and mobile phone companies stay mute?
An article by Chris Woollams published September 2008
As we told you in recent icon magazine articles (for example, ‘Mobile Phones and cancer – it’s your call’ and recent Cancer Watch covered research studies) – the US media have stepped up to the plate on the subject of the dangers of mobile phones. "Larry King live" has had two debates on the issue and some of his guests were quite clear on the threats posed.
On September 25th the US Congress stepped up too. In a special hearing ( experts and affected laypersons have testified to the dangers. This time the events have been covered by the mainstream media in force. Headlines have included ‘ Cancer risk for cell phone use’; ‘We can’t ignore the links between cell phones and cancer like we did with tobacco, top scientist tells congress’; and ‘Expert: kids more at risk from cell phones’. Of note was the non-appearance of the cell phone companies. With CNN running the headline ‘Scientists debate possible cell phone links to brain cancer’, ABC noted ‘Remaining mute: Cell phone execs refuse to appear before Congress’.
Also in September 2008 was the Radiation Research Trust Conference in the UK. Much attention focussed on the recent research conclusions of Lennart Hardell, Professor of Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden and the Swedish team’s research indicating children and teenagers are five times more likely to get brain cancer if they use mobile phones.
Professor Lennart Hardell concluded his presentation saying: “There is a consistent pattern of increased risk for acoustic neuroma & glioma after 10 years ipsilateral mobile phone use. The current standard set for exposure to microwaves during mobile phone use is not safe for long term tumour risks and needs to be revised.”
David O. Carpenter, M.D, Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany & Co-Author of the Bioinititive Report has given evidence at the USA Congressional hearing. He also presented at the Radiation Research Trust Conference in London and said, “Swedish studies show elevated brain cancer & acoustic neuromas in individuals using a mobile phone for 10 + years. Israeli studies show parotid gland cancers in heavy mobile phone users. There is overwhelming evidence that in general children are more vulnerable than adults to environmental exposures. Unfortunately children are major users of all phones in today’s culture.”
Professor Yury Grigoriev, Chairman of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Russia. Professor Grigoriev gave a powerful presentation with regards to children. He said: “The potential risk to children’s health is very high and a completely new problem. Use of mobile phones for those under 18 or pregnant should be restricted. Children have a unique vulnerability as they grow and develop; there are “windows of susceptibility” periods when their organs and systems may be particularly sensitive to the effect of certain environmental threats. The existing standards cannot guarantee the safe, healthy development of the next generation.”
Lloyd Morgan, Director of the Central Brain Tumour Registry of the United States (USA) also gave a presentation at the Radiation Research Trust conference. Based on a 30 year latency time for brain tumours, he projects there could be up to 1.6 million mobile phone brain tumours in the USA by 2019. At a treatment cost of $250K per patient, this would cost $400 Billion. It would also require 32-fold more neurosurgeons eleven years from now.
We will continue to bring you these important research studies and expert opinions as, at CANCERactive, we adopt a ‘Precautionary Principle’ to cancer prevention. It is, quite simply, your right to know these concerns.
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