
Cancer Prevention Fortnight - Introduction

13-26th November 2006

Group of children

A supporter of our charity is Martin Preston, the Team Osteopath to the Red Devils Freefall Team and he recently wrote the following in The Osteopath magazine:

"Our healthcare culture places an overwhelming emphasis on cure rather than prevention.  This is seen very clearly in the approach taken towards cancer.  If your kitchen sink was overflowing, would you reach for the tap or for the mop?  As far as I can tell, most cancer research funding goes into the equivalent of designing a better mop, while the tap is left to run".

Here at CANCERactive, we firmly believe in turning off that tap! We raise funds that are channelled towards cancer prevention. CANCERactive aims to provide all people, regardless of age, colour, sex, race, creed or financial status, absolutely all the information available on cancer, its causes and possible treatments, so that they can make more informed personal choices and thus increase their odds of beating the disease. We want to ensure that as many people as possible are familiar with the many steps that they can take to ensure that they never develop cancer.

We primarily achieve this, at the moment, through our website and also through our magazine, icon, which is distributed free to more than 250 cancer centres throughout the UK. We have many plans in the pipeline, too. In particular during Cancer Prevention Fortnight, 13th - 26th November our ’Cool Schools’ initiative and our ’Meal with Appeal’ event.

Cool School will bring cancer prevention information to the forefront with school children - giving teachers the necessary tools to ensure that their pupils are familiar with the many steps which they can take to ensure that they never develop cancer. Tragically, the numbers of children and young people dying from cancer have increased significantly in recent years - and yet the World Health Organisation has recently stated that at least 30% of cancers are preventable! Would you help us to safeguard your children by becoming a ’Cool School’?

Our "Meal with Appeal" event asks you to help us by hosting a meal at any time during the fortnight to raise funds AND to raise awareness of cancer prevention too!. It can be any meal of your choice - breakfast, brunch, lunch, high tea, dinner, supper - and also at your own preferred location. 

So click on the links and find out more about you can help.

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