Integrative cancer and oncology news with articles and the latest news on cancer.
Hard Evidence
Welcome to our Autumn issue of icon. I trust the summer has been kind to you and the heat of July wasn’t too intense. With holidays now coming to a close and school children returning to their studies, we are full steam ahead with fundraising activities here at CANCERactive and are preparing for our first ever Cancer Prevention Fortnight that starts on 13th November. We need funds to ensure we can continue with our work and in particular with this magazine and our website both much needed and praised information resources.
This issue we have some really exceptional special features. Firstly, an interview with the UK’s top cancer Professor, cancer ’Tsar’ Mike Richards, then a special’Living proof’ that of Beata Bishop who, having tried and failed with orthodox medicine, cured her own melanoma with the Gerson Therapy. (I think ’cured’ is the correct word after 22 years!!) So impressed was she with the Gerson method that she has become the UK’s number 1 ambassador for the therapy. So these two lead articles take two extremes orthodox and alternative.
Mike Richards is very focused on ’evidence-based therapies’ and, in orthodox medicine the gold standard is the clinical trial. We try to support this whenever we run articles on complementary therapies but often the lack of pharmaceutical level profits prevents these therapies being ’clinical-trial tested’ by smaller more impoverished groups.
We know our readers like our easy to read style, so hitherto we have always confined our research evidence to Cancer Watch, where we cover worldwide sources. But for this issue for the first time we have decided to include references in three further features those on Probiotics, Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) and on Herbs and Cancer. As you can see, it is simply not true to suggest these important contributors to the cancer fight have no research-based evidence. Far from it.
We would be very interested in your comments does it improve the magazine, or turn it into ’doctorspeak’, (something research tells us you all hate!).
Talking of research, we would like to thank you all. We sent out a questionnaire with 1000 magazines last issue and received almost 400 replies. 92 per cent of you rate us as excellent or very good (100 per cent including ’good’). We know you like us; we know you think we’re doing a good job. But prior to the research it was your letters (patients and nurses) and phone calls that gave us the praise. Now we have the clinical evidence!
We’re pleased, and proud, to be filling this information gap in the UK.
Lindsey Fealey