Helpline 0845-009-3366
About Dr Rosy Daniel
Dr Rosy Daniel is one of the UKs best known Integrated Medicine Consultants specialising in the care and treatment of people with cancer and their carers. Integrative cancer therapies and holistic cancer treatment is a growing patient requirement in the UK.
Rosy was doctor and then Medical Director of the world famous Bristol Cancer for 15 years (now Penny Brohn Cancer Care) from !985 to 1999 since this time she has run her own practice first from the Harley Street Oncology Centre Help Centre alongside Professor Karol Sikora and colleagues, and since in Bath at the Apthorp Centre. She is well respected by Oncology colleagues and can be relied upon to help those with cancer to get the very best of all worlds, orthodox and complementary and self-help in a fully integrated health care approach. Although she doesn’t operate a cancer clinic as such, patients may be refered.
What Dr Daniel offers
The three main routes of help available are:
Medical Consultation and ongoing care with Dr Daniel
The Cancer Directory an authoritative book published by Thorsons, described by Professor Sikora as ’Essential reading for everybody affected by cancer.It’s simply the best guide to integrated cancer medicine there is’
The Cancer Lifeline Kit and Mentor Service an interactive self-help kit providing the A to Z of everything you need to know and think about from diagnosis, through treatment to full recovery and it is worked through with the support, guidance and encouragement of Health Creation Mentor trained by Dr Daniel. Your Mentor becomes the vital link helping you to understand your state, needs, and choices, empowering you and your carer to turn the crisis of cancer into a real opportunity to get healthier than ever before.
Health Creation supplements these are designed by Dr Daniel for optimal support of those with cancer throughout treatment and on into recovery. To learn more see
www.cytoplan.co.uk Health Creation Supplements.
1. The Consultation with Dr Daniel
The consultation can be face to face in Bath or by telephone if you are unable to make the journey.
The aim of the consultation is to:
Support you through your reaction to diagnosis, helping you to set up your support network at home.
Help you understand your condition and medical treatment options on offer to help you choose what is absolutely right for you.
Help you to get the best outcome from your medical treatment, and minimise side effects through the use of complementary medicines.
Help you to review your self-help options.
Create an individualised Integrated Medicine Programme for you built around your unique circumstances & needs to help you regain your strength, health, and peace of mind.
Analyse with you the personal factors which may have contributed to your ill-health and start you on a healthy lifestyle to get you feeling back in charge of your health and happiness.
Evaluate the potential need for and benefits of alternative treatments
During the consultation, which lasts for 55 minutes, Dr Daniel will:
Take your medical history, noting particularly when the illness developed and/or recurred and what relationship this has had to your lifestyle or other significant factors in the preceding years.
Give you medical counselling and advice with regards to your medical choices, treatment side effects, and symptoms of illness, drawing on orthodox and complementary medicines.
Analyse your needs for counselling and healing and self-help approaches such as relaxation, meditation, visualisation, and exercise.
Give you advice, if appropriate, on how to embark upon a course of therapy with homeopathy, acupuncture or herbal medicines such as Carctol, Iscador and Salvestrol.
After 45 minutes she will use the last ten minutes of your session to draw together an individualised type-written programme including all that you have decided upon. You will leave with:
Your Personal Programme
Information on where to get all the support, therapy, treatment, nutritional supplements or medicines recommended or prescribed,
Handouts on special diets or medicines recommended,
A prescription, if indicated.
Dr Daniel likes you to bring a photo of yourself to your first appointment if possible, so that this can be placed in your notes. This is really helpful if you need to have future telephone appointments.
Follow-up appointments and phone-ins
At the end of the consultation you will be invited to make a 30-minute follow up appointment at a suitable interval so that Dr Daniel can follow closely your progress and assess the benefit with you of your Personal Programme, making adjustments over time as required. In between appointments, if required you may book a 15-inute phone-in slot via Dr Daniel’s helpline on 0845 009 3366 to discuss any new issues that may arise needing urgent help.
Booking and fees for appointments
To book an appointment, call Dr Daniel’s Health Creation Helpline on 0845 0093366.
The fee for the initial appointment is 150. Thirty minute follow up is 80; and Fifteen min phone-ins are 40. We request that all appointments are paid for on the day of the appointment with either cash, switch/debit card, or cheque. Whilst credit cards can be used to pay for Dr Daniel’s appointments, this is discouraged due to the additional charges incurred. Card payments are taken electronically over the phone if you are not here in person. Overseas clients are asked to pay for consultations at the time of booking.
For further information about Dr Daniel and her work see www.healthcreation.co.uk
Please be aware of the boundaries of the Integrated Medicine Doctor role
It is important to understand what an Integrated Medicine (IM) Doctor does and does not do. Dr Daniel will provide consultant advice about forming your Integrated Medicine plan. Thereafter, they will follow your progress closely and work with you over time to find all possible ways of improving your health, vitality and well-being. IM doctors are not oncologists (cancer specialists) and will not take over the medical treatment of cancer, responsibility for which remains with your medical team at home. Your medical screening should also continue to be arranged through your existing medical team too, so that any progress through the Health Creation work you do can be assessed against your original scans and tests. .
Dr Daniel does not provide an emergency out of hours service and your acute medical needs must always be taken to your normal GP or hospital consultant. She will, however, be your medical counsellor, fellow explorer and medical advocate, empowering you to get the very best of all health options, whatever it is that you are facing.
Preparing for your consultation
There is an optional step that you can take to support further your consultation. This is to get our Introductory Pack, which comprises:
The ’Message of Hope’ - video
The ’Cope Positively with Cancer Treatment’ - audio CD
The ’Picture of Health’ - self-assessment exercise
Information about Carctol treatment for cancer
The Message of Hope video is both uplifting and instructive and will teach you the holistic theory and practice underpinning the Health Creation work you will be doing with Rosy or Pippa. It will also show you wonderful concrete examples of people who have made excellent use of this approach.
The Cope Positively CD will soothe and relax you when you are upset and frightened and will also help you develop positive images to empower any medical treatment you may need.
The Picture of Health is a helpful self-assessment exercise devised by Dr Rosy Daniel. Within an hour you see crystal clear exactly where the current strengths and weaknesses are in your health. This will quickly open your eyes to the work you need to do to regain your strength and help transform this illness into a real opportunity for positive change. By bringing this along filled in to the appointment, you and your doctor’s task of designing your individual programme will be greatly facilitated.
Information about Carctol treatment for cancer handout to learn more about carctol treatment.
The Introductory Packis available from the Health Creation Helpline on 0845-009-3366 and costs 25 inc VAT plus 3.50 post and packaging. This is a special offer for clinic patients with an 8.25 saving on normal RRP).
Please note that Health Creation offers a further 15 discount on the Cancer Lifeline Kit if purchased later on after you have already bought an Introductory Pack.
2. The Cancer Directory
This is an invaluable summation of Dr Daniel’s 20yrs experience at the forefront of integrated cancer medicine. The Cancer Directory has been described by Professor Karol Sikora (leading UK oncologist) as: "Essential reading for everybody affected by cancer. It’s simply the best guide to integrated cancer medicine there is" It is divided into two halves the first is a descriptive approach to every phase of taking the empowered proactive approach to treatment and proactive health creation. The second half is a pure directory of all the many support, therapeutic and self-help services available throughout the UK and world.
The Cancer Directory provides a comprehensive overview of the many and diverse natural approaches to cancer. It shows the reader how to make the best use of integrated cancer medicine revolution, getting the very best of all worlds, orthodox, complementary, and alternative. The directory not only offers vital advice and information on how to fight cancer with state of the art frontier medical treatments but also how to improve results with a huge range of empowering self-help options.
For those opposed to medical approaches, Dr Daniel more controversially outlines the range of alternatives that can be used explaining the background and usage of each alternative treatment, the evidence for its use (or lack of evidence) and its price, source and availability. She also explains how to use these approached safely without putting yourself at risk physically or financially!
3. The Cancer Lifeline Kit and Mentor Service
The Cancer Lifeline Kit is a comprehensive self-help Kit designed to be of great benefit and immediate help if you are affected or diagnosed with cancer. It has been developed to fill the large support and self-help gap experienced by many cancer patients and their carer’s.
This Kit is an interactive resource, helping you to combine the best of both worlds of conventional medicine with alternative and complementary medicine combining the most relevant information and the most effective self-help tools available.
The main components of the Kit are Part 1:
The Cancer Lifeline Programme which helps people through the shock and trauma of their initial diagnosis, through making informed treatment choices, enabling them to prepare well for treatment physically and psychologically and to convalesce properly.
Part 2:
The Health Creation Programme, is designed to speed recovery by pro-active holistic health promotion and is also relevant to those with other chronic or lifestyle related illness. The Health Creation Mentor is a warm, positive and well-informed guide who will support you through your use of the Kit and motivate you positively to embark upon and sustain your own most effective healing journey.
All of these items are available from the Health Creation Helpline on 0845-009-3366 or via the website www.healthcreation.co.uk
We look forward to being of service to you and wish you all power in your recovery process!