A carbohydrate, mannose-binding lectin or MBL, carried on the surface of a species of acne-causing fungi, Malassezia, has been shown to cause carcinogenesis and an increase in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDA); the fungus levels increase significantly in the pancreas prior to the disease.
Furthermore, when researchers(1) ablated the mycobiome (the fungal or yeast microbiome) of the pancreas, slow to moderate cancers stopped progressing. But when they introduced Malassezia strains – but not Candida Saccharomyces or Aspergillus strains – the cancer accelerated. Malassezia is a species of fungi (funghi) or yeast naturally found on the skin of most animals and humans. It is thought to lie behind ‘fungal acne’.
At CANCERactive, we have covered several studies showing that bacteria from the mouth associated with gum disease were linked to Pancreatic Cancer, and that a sudden rush of bacteria from the gut to the pancreas caused a 1000-fold increase in bacteria in the pancreatic microbiome and cancer followed.
Go to: Pancreatic Cancer Overview
The researchers found that a carbohydrate (mannose-binding lectin, or MBL) which binds to glycans in the walls of the fungus actually precipitated the cancer formation and growth. When the scientists removed the MBL, there was no resultant carcinogenesis.
Chris Woollams, founder of CANCERactive and a former Oxford University Biochemist added, “Since helping Geoff Boycott beat his head and neck cancer 15 years ago, I have been convinced that infection from viruses, bacteria, yeasts and parasites lies behind most if not all cancers.”
Go to: ‘Heal your Gut – Heal your Cancer’

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1. The Fungal mycobiome promotes pancreatic oncogenesis via activation of MBL