DNA fragments found above safety limits in Covid mRNA vaccines

DNA fragments found above safety limits in Covid mRNA vaccines

Foreign DNA fragments have now been found in COVID-19 vaccines in more than four studies, this time by the FDA themselves and at levels greater than their own safety figures.


Maryanne Demasi, PhD is an Australian scientist turned investigative journalist, who has also produced a number of films. Like our own Chris Woollams, she has repeatedly argued that to limit free speech is to limit science.


In an ‘Exclusive’ release (1) on the 3rd January 2025, she presented research in her blog from the FDA’s own researchers in the FDA’s own laboratory, that residual DNA levels in Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines exceeded the FDA defined safety limits by 6 to 470 times.


Nicolai Petrovsky, a Professor of Medicine at Flinders University Adelaide and an expert in Immunology, described the findings as a ‘Smoking Gun’. “Given that these studies were conducted in their own laboratories under the supervision of their own scientists, it would be hard to argue that they were unaware”.


This comes months after independent findings (2) showed DNA fragments including Simian monkey virus (SV-40) in both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.The Surgeon General in Florida, Joseph Adapo, wrote to the US FDA and CDC on that occasion, asking if the agencies had done tests to see if DNA fragments in mRNA COVID vaccines might integrate into the genomes of vaccine recipients, potentially destabilising chromosomes or causing cancer. He called for a suspension of the vaccines pending a research-based answer.

It also comes at a time when, for example, Yale Medicine researchers have noted a rapid growth in cancers in younger people, since the pandemic.

What the fuss about DNA fragments in the mRNA vaccines?

Well, apart from the fact that the FDA sets safety limits for potential contamination factors and these DNA fragment levels exceeded the safety limits, 

  • Firstly, it hardly provides reassurance on the safety of the vaccines if they have extraneous particles of DNA in them that just shouldn’t be there. There have been other studies showing DNA particles present (for example: 3), but never before by an official Government body. 


  • Secondly, plasmid DNA fragments structures could potentially enter the nucleus because lipid nanoparticles were used - fat can help carry compounds across membranes. 


  • Thirdly, Kevin McKernan, the R&D lead for the Human Genome project at MIT has stated that plasmid DNA particles could enter the cells’ cytoplasm with the aid of the lipid nanoparticles and affect the cGAS-STING pathway, a crucial component of the innate immune system.


  • Fourthly, Simian monkey virus (SV-40), apart from being a pathogen, has been previously linked to ‘a significant excess risk of SV40 associated with human primary brain cancers, primary bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma’ (4). A second study three years later confirmed this (5), extending the list to also include osteosarcoma, thyroid, pituitary and childhood brain tumours.  This is of course a hugely controversial subject as SV-40 was found in the original, but now discontinued, polio vaccines.


Moreover, a key question is ‘What are these DNA fragments even doing in an mRNA ‘vaccine’?


Covid-19 vaccines and cancer risk - comment


Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist added, “Please be clear; at the moment nobody is saying that any DNA fragment definitely does upload into the host DNA. They are merely asking questions not only about the DNA fragments themselves, but that they are in excess of safety parameters. 


At CANCERactive we are only concerned about cancer risk.


Be clear; this is not an isolated study - only recently there was a German study with much the same contamination conclusions (6). Arguably, the liposomal nanoparticles make the DNA fragment potentially dangerous, and until proven that the DNA doesn’t upload, surely the job of any Government is to prove, beyond any reasonable doubt, that this vaccine does not contain DNA particles that can cause cancer. They owe this to the people who elected them and pay their salaries”.


Go to: Turbo cancer - is this the new pandemic? I






  1. http://blog.maryannedemasi.com/p/exclusive.fd

  2. DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: David Speicher 18 October 2023; https://osf.io/xv3nz/ 

  3. Sequencing of bivalent Pfizer and Moderna mRNA; kevin McKernan et al; 10 April 2023 - https://osf.io/preprints/osf/b9t7m 

  4. Emergent Human Pathogen Simian Virus 40 and Its Role in Cancer; Regis A Vilchez, Janet S Butel; Clin Microbiol Rev. 2004 Jul;17(3):495–508. 

  5. Simian virus 40 in humans; Fernanda Martini, Alfredo Corallini, Veronica Balatt,, Silvia Sabbioni, Cecilia Pancaldi, Mauro Tognon; Infect Agent Cancer. 2007 Jul 9;2:13.

  6. Methodological Considerations Regarding the Quantification of DNA Impurities in the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Comirnaty; Brigitte König and Jürgen O. Kirchner; Methods Protoc. 2024, 7(3), 41; https://doi.org/10.3390/mps7030041


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