Professor Dr. Dana Flavin MS is educated in Psychology, Pharmacology, Nutrient Biochemistry and Medicine
Dr. Flavin is President of CollMed, a Research Foundation for Medicine in USA, teaching colleagues and patients around the world about Medicine, Health and the Newest Medical Research toward cures. She is licenced to practice Medicine in the USA and Europe.
Dr. Flavin has more than 30 years’ experience and expertise in research and cancer. Her first degree was in Psychology and Chemistry and from Loyola University, and then went to Chicago Medical School and graduated as a Doctor of Medicine. Four years later she was appointed an assistant to the Director of Toxicology at the FDA in Washington.
After researching the molecular biology of tumour formation she was appointed Science adviser to the President of the Nutrition Foundation. Flavin has also researched the application of Translational Medicine into potential cancer therapies, and Nutrient Biochemistry at Howard University. In the UK, Flavin holds an Honorary Professorship at the Leicester School of Pharmacy, De Montfort University.