A research study from Leeds University shows that a high dose formulation of EPA omega-3 from fish oils, reduces Cox-2 inflammation and polyps in the colon. Other studies have shown the same for colorectal cancer, even in hereditary-linked disease.
A team of researchers, led by Professor Mark Hull of the Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine and funded by SLA Pharma AG, in collaboration with researchers at St James’ University Hospital, Leeds, St Marks Hospital London, St George’s Hospital, London and Sant Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna has reported that patients diagnosed with a rare inherited condition called FAP (familial adenomatous polyposis) can have their polyps reduced by a special preparation of omega-3. FAP is responsible for about one in every 100 bowel cancers.
Professor Hull and his team say that further research is needed to find out if this 'new' agent, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) could also help prevent the non-hereditary form of bowel cancer, which is the third most common cancer in the UK, diagnosed in around 37,000 people each year.
"A safe and effective drug therapy may reduce the number of invasive check-up procedures, which can be unpleasant and always involve a small amount of risk", said Hull. "The particular preparation of EPA that we used delivers approximately four times as much beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acid per day as is derived from eating two to three portions of fish a week. The drug is also designed to be released into the small intestine, minimising nausea and halitosis often associated with taking over-the-counter fish oil supplements," said Professor Hull.
Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist and a founder of CANCERactive said, "I just love this Press Release. First a quadruple fish oil is called a drug and EPA is described as a 'new' agent. Next, it is tested and works on patients with rare hereditary links to their Colorectal cancer. And thirdly, the researchers then question whether it would work in less difficult cases of CRC or just on polyps in non-cancer cases. We already have that research!
On this website we have a good number of research articles on how fish oils reduce Cox-2 inflammation in the gut. Research shows they reduce polyp formation and are an essential part of the armory in preventing and fighting colorectal cancer. Fish oil is long-chain omega-3 and reduces inflammation in the body, preserves your Telomeres (aiding longevity), and prevents cachexia when having chemotherapy.
Frankly, I'm not sure that there is any research left to do on fish oils. Everybody at any age should take them. We have research with children showing that a daily fish oil gives them on average an 11% higher IQ by the age of 12; three other studies in Penitentiaries in the USA showing they calm down excitable teenage inmates, and for older people they reduce mental decline, reduce inflammation and aid longevity!
But long-chain omega 3 from fish oil should not be confused with short-chain omega 3 from plants, for example from flaxseed, which helps oxygenation, has anti-estrogenic properties and the fibre is loved by your gut bacteria.
Natural compounds to the rescue again".
Go to: CANCERactive overview on Colorectal or Bowel cancer