Chronic Inflammation, chronic illnesses and, especially, cancer

Chronic Inflammation, chronic illnesses and, especially, cancer

Stop chronic inflammation driving your cancer

Chronic inflammation is one of the biggest driving forces in cancer. It can both cause cancer and it is used by cancer to spread. If you want to cure cancer, or at least get it into remission, you must tackle chronic inflammation in your body. Unfortunately, given the orthodox medical treatments you may be receiving, this can seem like trying to run up a down escalator at times.

Cancer is not unique in its response to inflammation. Chronic inflammation is the precursor to all chronic illness, from arthritis to dementia, diabetes and heart disease.

For example, with type-2 diabetes, a precursor has been shown to be inflammation in the pancreas.

The three main causes of chronic inflammation

There are actually three main causes of chronic inflammation in cancer:

1)            An enzyme called Cox-2, which is in the nuclear membrane of every cell in your body;

2)            Pathogens in your gut, and/or,

3)            Chemical toxins

Cox-2, chronic inflammation and cancer

In1982, John Vane won a knighthood and a Nobel Prize for his work on Cox-2, an enzyme found in every cell of your body. He showed that when turned on, Cox-2 makes eicosanoids, a group of localized hormones that only last one to five seconds. (You may have heard of prostaglandins – they are the eicosanoids that are active in rheumatism and arthritis).

Cox-2 is very active, for example, in colorectal cancer where is drives the formation of polyps which then turn into cancer tumours.

But in 2010, Tian Xu, Professor of Genetics at Yale and also at Fudan University, China showed that Cox-2 stimulation could activate two genes, which actually caused cancer.

So what turns Cox-2 on and makes for localised inflammation? Vane showed that three compounds could do this – steroids, the hormone insulin and stress hormones, especially cortisol.

Doctors happily dish out steroids for a few days, most usually at the start of chemotherapy, but sometimes at the end. They actually are making matters worse.

Insulin is produced when you consume too much sugar, or eat the big meal. Sugar has links with cancer anyway. But coming in from work and consuming the big meal can be just as bad. To avoid insulin spikes, your should graze (eat 5-6 small meals a day) and avoid empty sugar (fizzy soft drinks, sweet puddings, bought fruit juices and smoothies, ice cream, chocolate, cakes, biscuits and mass market honey).

Report: Mental state, emotions and cancer

The stress hormone cortisol is a big factor in causing chronic inflammation. A stressed brain sends a message to the adrenals, and these produce epinephrine and cortisol. Your green juices can neutralize epinephrine, but cortisol is best neutralised by endorphins, the hormones you produce when you exercise or do yoga. 

Certain compounds can reduce costisol and inflammation - like aspirin, fish oils, curcumin, ginger, chicken soup, ashwagandha, boswelia, green tea, aloe vera, vitamin D and melatonin.

Report: Exercise is a powerful anti-cancer drug

Gut bacteria, cancer and inflammation

But stress has a second effect. It upsets your gut bacteria.

Estimates vary, but some suggest that you have up to 90 trillion bacteria in your gut. You have only 7 trillion cells, so experts in America are calling this ‘The largest organ in your body’. That’s also because it possesses roughly 75,000 genes whereas your own cells only have 25,000, so it can make more compounds, proteins, messages than you make. These direct your metabolism, your moods and even how you think. It has been dubbed your ‘Second Brain’.

Scientists now understand that Drugs, especially Antibiotics and Proton Pump Inhibitors can damage the good (commensal) bacteria in your gut.  This allows an increased presence of yeasts and pathogens in the gut, as normally the good guys overwhelm the bad; sadly, after taking drugs, they are weakened and cannot. This is another way in which orthodox medicine makes matters worse.

All bacteria and yeasts in the gut, good and bad, make chemicals, from vitamins to toxins. These chemicals can either pass in the blood or send messages to the brain via the vagus nerve. It’s not you that has a sweet tooth, it’s the yeasts in your gut asking for more sugar. These inhabitants direct the host to provide all their required home comforts.

While drugs can kill the good gut bacteria, many things can affect the environment in the gut causing the same sort of good-bad imbalance. For example, smoking, pickled foods and too much salt can change the acidity or alkalinity in the gut, inhibiting certain good bacteria from ‘working’ properly. This doesn’t just affect the compounds they make, but their growth and their numbers. And stress can send chemicals to the gut that have a similar negative effect.

By and large commensal bacteria make anti-inflammatory compounds in the gut; pathogens make inflammatory ones. So create an imbalance allowing the bad guys to thrive and chronic inflammation will be the result. 35 per cent on the circulating small molecules in your blood come from the gut, so the effects are not felt only in the gut but everywhere in your body from your breast to your brain.

Of course, you could holiday in Morocco or Malaysia and pick up a pathogen-producing parasite. Parasites (and this term includes viruses, pathogens, bacteria, yeasts and traditional parasites) can produce toxins, pretty well all of which are inflammation-causing, while some are fully carcinogenic.

Here is an efficient pathogen killer.

But other factors help, such as good quality sleep (melatonin), vitamin D and fish oils. Each reduces the production of inflammatory compounds in the gut.

You are a Super-Organism – the best medical science acknowledges the microbiome  and its importance; it doesn’t just ignore it. Unfortunately oncology is a major culprit.

One of the most important findings of recent years is that your gut gets ill first and then you get ill; and you cannot get better until it gets better.

If you have taken drugs, antibiotics or PPIs, or might have picked up a parasite, or have been through a lengthy period of stress, or have a disturbed gut anyway (IBS, Crohns) read this:

Special Report: Important article on How to Heal Ur Gut – give yourself a HUG.

Chemicals cause chronic inflammationtoo

It is easy to see how. Chemicals like triclosan, or the Bt element in GMO foods, or herbicides like glyphosphate are now known to damage commensal bacteria.

Other chemicals entering the body (toluene in nail polish, phthalates and BPA from plastic, perfume ingredients, dioxins – the list is endless – can add to the damage, or change your hormone levels, or directly attack your cells via free-radicals. Thus many everyday chemicals in your personal care or toiletry products can cause inflammation as can chemicals around your house.

Everybody with any chronic illness (diabetes, dementia, arthritis, cancer, Parkinson’s, Heart problems, blood pressure etc.) should look at kicking out all the chemicals of concern from their everyday lives. 

Special: An excellent range of toxin-free products can be found here.

The Secret Source of Your Good Health and Heal Ur Gut are copyright protected

Chronic Inflammation, chronic illnesses and, especially, cancer
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