Cannabis killed my terminal Stage IV lung cancer

Cannabis killed my terminal Stage IV lung cancer

Sharon Kelly - Living Proof

When Sharon Kelly was suddenly diagnosed with a stage IV lung cancer and given little hope of living more than a few months, she decided to build her own Complementary and Integrative Treatment Programme around the oncologist’s drug. Changing her diet, avoiding glucose, and taking daily exercise were all supported by her strong belief in God - and her decision to take Cannabis oil. She has even produced a You Tube video - ’Cannabis killed my terminal Stage IV lung cancer’ on her experience. 

Our view at CANCERactive is that it is extremely unlikely that any one thing cures cancer - and certainly not all cancers. Our view after watching the video is that clearly something pretty amazing happened, but it is more likely that the combination of treatments was the driving force. How long for, is another matter. Sadly, many people achieve quite dramatic results when they go from a life that generated a body friendly to cancer, to one where the body is hostile to cancer. One year on, and we have heard that Sharon’s cancer may be starting to return.

While there is certainly more to Cannabis than the medical profession will acknowledge, there is a huge jump from the benefits we found in the research we did when writing the review on cannabis, and actually saying it is a cure for cancer. There is more below:

Lung Cancer

We have told you that an inconvenient truth for major cancer charities and health authorities is that, while cigarette smoking declines, the incidence of lung cancer has remained robust. And we have brought you several studies that show that the largest area of lung cancer growth in the USA (rising from 12% to 40% of all lung cancer) is non-small cell lung cancer. 

And you don’t have to have smoked to develop it. In Canadian research the fastest growth area of lung cancer was in younger women who had never been near cigarette smoke. Other research has showed the dangers of oestrogen-mimic chemicals in our environment. Be clear: this is not just a problem with breast cancer.

Non-small cell lung cancer is driven by oestrogen.

´Did you know that this cancer can be driven by oestrogen. Find out how you can control your oestrogen levels, naturally´. CLICK HERE.

One Lady beats hers with an Integrative Programme

Sharon Kelly is one such lady - she had never smoked. She was diagnosed with Grade 4 lung cancer and told she could take drugs but they would just prolong her life. She took the drugs but she also built an Integrative Programme involving no sugar, a controlled diet, exercise, a strong belief in God and ... cannabis oil.

Now, before we go on, we need to say this: As regular readers know all too well,

1. At CANCERactive, we believe cancer can be ‘cured’ today – if not ‘cured’ then held in remission permanently. (This quote is actually from Dr Henry S Friedman of the Robert Tisch Cancer Center in Carolina. He is one of America’s top oncologists.)

2. We do not think all cancers are the same – your cancer is as individual as you are. And we do not believe in a ’One size fits all’ approach to treatment either!

3. We do not believe that any single treatment – drug, vitamin, whatever – is a cancer cure. We believe in building Integrative Treatment Programmes to increase your personal odds of survival, and even prevent a cancer returning.

4. The American Cancer Society has produced a report agreeing with us and saying that since 2006 there has been an explosion in research into complementary therapies and that ‘overwhelming evidence’ that some, like diet, exercise and weight control, can increase survival and even prevent a cancer returning.

Watch the Sharon Kelly self-made video:  Sharon took cannabis oil – but she did have drug, she did change her diet, take exercise and she has a strong faith in God. Her ‘cure’ (let’s say remission) is remarkable; we hope it is sustainable – you can see her home made You Tube video (Cannabis killed my Terminal Grade IV lung cancer) by clicking this link … 

It is well worth watching!

Medicinal Cannabis and cancer?

We have have an extensive review on cannabis and the effect of certain medicinal cannabinoids – you can find our article by clicking here.

Europe’s expert researcher on cannabis seems to be Dr Christina Sanchez - she has a number of You Tube videos on the subject, all worth a look.

2014 Research
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