Ductal Breast cancer, whether it is Ductal Carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) is invariably the result of calcification in (or around) the ducts of the breast. Sometimes breast cysts are noticed in advance. Such calcification can cause irritation and inflammation and lead to cancer. If you have had this calcification and/or ductal breast cancer this article explains how you might get the calcium out of your breasts and put it where it should be.
The most usual cause of calcification in the Western World is dairy consumption - cows', goats' and sheep's milk , cheese, yoghurt etc.. A number of years ago, top UK Nutritionist Gosia Desmond wrote a research-based article for CANCERactive on how too much saturated fat consumption, especially in the formative years, is linked to higher breast cancer rates later in life.
Low vitamin and mineral levels linked to breast cancer
Women diagnosed with breast cancer often have lowered levels of long-chain omega-3, low magnesium and low levels of vitamin D in their bodies. (Other shortages often include certain B vitamins and vitamin K both of which are related to a loss of commensal gut bacteria).
In the West, we have the highest rates of blood calcium in the world. Why? Too much dairy consumption.
But we also have (increasingly) poor bone strength (including osteoporosis etc.) as we age. Why? Too much dairy consumption.
Let me explain the conundrum
Bone strength depends on vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium and some trace minerals
Doctors will tell you that your bone strength depends on having good calcium levels. This is true but it is most definitely not the only factor. And the amount of calcium you need for strong bones could easily be provided by two good helpings of ‘greens’ a day in your diet. American Bone Health state that you need 1,500 mg of calcium a day to prevent osteoporosis when you are over 60 years of age, from all sources. See the link to bone health at the end of this article.
What is crucial to understand is that magnesium and vitamin D are ESSENTIAL (along with a little vitamin K and trace minerals such as boron) for incorporating calcium into the bones.
And when we consume too much butter, milk and cheese, the dairy lines our gut wall and prevents magnesium absorption in our gut. Some 40 per cent of women in the UK are deficient in magnesium. Stress, drugs, alcohol and poor diet are also contributors. Add to that, the ridiculous mantra provided by charities and health bodies to stay out of the sun, and you will understand that on diagnosis with breast cancer, a staggering 82% of women also have low vitamin D (in the region of 5-20 ng/ml (or 12.5 to 50 nmol/L) when for safety it needs to be over 75 nmol/L and ideally 100-150 nmol/L for good health.
DCIS, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and calcium
And so, where is the excessive calcium going to go, if there is not enough magnesium or vitamin D to help it incorporate into your bone structure? It is likely to be drawn to fatty tissue as fat is a wonderful solvent. Fatty tissue? Well your breasts have high levels of fatty tissue.
Now, there are lots of studies on breast cancer risk and breast tissue and the most important point is they all seem to disagree (1). Dense tissue is associated with more risk, while fatty tissue is associated with both less risk or more risk depending on the study. Confused? You could well be.
Dense tissue has more connective and epithelial tissue and increases as you age. And the laying down of calcium in the ducts increases the levels of dense tissue.
The most important point though is that if you have a calcium deposit in one duct it is almost certainly not likely to be alone!
Chris Woollams helped two ladies with Personal Programmes (2) – A lady from Cape Town on a Sunday morning, and a lady from Vancouver the following evening. In January 2018, both had been diagnosed with calcium deposits in their breasts – several, and in both breasts. In each case, their doctors decided to ‘Watch and Wait’. This lack of understanding beggars belief. What are they waiting for?
Sure enough, one lady was diagnosed with DCIS in September, the other in October 2018. ‘Watch and Wait’ and breast cancer will surely arrive.
Take action to avoid breast cancer and breast cancer recurrence
But it’s not just the first instance of DCIS that’s the problem. If you have ductal breast cancer and the surgeon removes the lump, how do you know there isn’t another calcium deposit lurking with intent - maybe in the same breast; maybe in the other? It’s why some surgeons use a wide-incision, and others may recommend a full mastectomy.
How many times does Chris see someone who had Ductal Breast cancer have a recurrence? Too often.
Let us tell you about Rose, an American lady with breast cysts. She was being seen by her doctor every three months. ‘Watch and Wait’ was his decision.
Sure enough these cysts were linked to calcium deposits in the ducts. Chris suggested a simple programme:
1. Take a large fish oil and consume large amounts of extra virgin olive oil.
2. Take daily magnesium (125 mg), and vitamin D3 (5,000 IUs or 4 good hours in the sunshine) Even consider a trace mineral supplement containing boron.
3. Take a good probiotic like Probio8 Max.
4. Eat a good helping or two of greens a day; but on no account consume any dairy or take any supplement with calcium in it (for example, avoid a multivitamin and mineral supplement).
And what do you think happened? When she went for her next scan, the cysts had all disappeared. The calcium deposits were ‘dissolved’ by the good oils, the vitamin D and magnesium helped the calcium get into the bones. The probiotic helped control pathogens and make more vitamin K, and avoiding calcium supplementation stopped exacerbating the problem.
Now, there’s the rub. Women with ductal breast cancer (as with lobular breast cancer) and often given supplements like Adcal to ‘strengthen their bones’. What is it? It’s a measly 400 IUs of vitamin D with a lump of chalk. Not a molecule of magnesium in sight. Some people might conclude having read this piece that it is almost guaranteed to make matters worse.
Calcium supplements are also linked to an increased risk of heart attack, as if you didn't have enough to worry about!
Instead, follow the programme above and eat a colourful Rainbow Diet – nuts and seeds, avocado, oatmeal, spinach, pulses, olive oil, fish, whole brown rice. This will increase your magnesium and boron levels.
Go to: How to have good bone health
1. Do fatty breasts increase or decrease breast cancer risk.