With the continued failure of drugs to effectively fight and ideally beat brain cancer, some scientists are turning to bioactive, natural compounds known to cross the blood brain barrier and trying to fund a serious clinical trial.
A three-year clinical trial based in two London Hospitals - Guys and St Thomas' hospital - was being planned for November 2003 to assess the effect of a range of micronutrients on malignant Brain Tumours.
The UK charity 'Brain Tumour Action' was trying to raise 200,000 pounds for the research (0131 466 3116) but failed.
With Temozolomide (TMZ) as the only real drug available to treat Glioblastoma, and it only having an effect in the 20% of patients that are methylating, clearly new approaches are desperately needed for brain cancer.
One of the problems is that many drugs simply do not cross the blood brain barrier (BBB).
However, a host of plant compounds do. This research has huge significance.
Already pre-clinical studies on each of the compounds have proved extremely promising and the trial has received UK ethical approval.
The micronutrients which have proved positive to date include: citrus flavonoids, lycopene, black grape seed, red clover isoflavones, turmeric, selenium and chokeberry.
The research project is being headed by Dr. Bali Rooprai and it is already felt that further positive results could have impact on a number of cancers apart from Brain Tumours.
Previous studies, some by Dr Rooprai, have shown that natural compounds such as fish oils, coenzyme Q10, B vitamins like choline and inositol, herbs such as echinacea, curcumin and chokeberry can play a positive effect.
A further study has shown that chokeberry plus curcumin played an important role.
Turmeric has previously been shown to block brain cancer formation (1).
For a full list of supplements used by one American lady to beat her brain cancer ...
Go To: How Amy beat her brain cancer
1. Curcumin blocks brain tumor formation; Brain Research 2009 Apr 17;1266:130-8, University of Staten Island - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19368804/