Black Salve - a powerful alternative cancer treatment?

Black Salve - a powerful alternative cancer treatment?

Black Salve, a poultice of herbs with proven anti-cancer benefits

Black Salve, also called cansema, Amazon Black salve, and a variant Indian Black Salve, is an alternative cancer treatment, used for breast cancer, skin cancer and melanoma, and colorectal cancer. Think of it as an alternative to surgery. All of the herbal constituents have anti-cancer properties; the principle two ingredients being the herbs Blood Root and Soursop, or Graviola (writes Chris Woollams).

Black Salve is most commonly used as a traditional herbal poultice, the sort that was used around Europe or by native Americans as medicine for several centuries. If you follow the links below you will find pictures of the poultice in use with two ladies and their breast cancers. In both cases, the tumours took about 3 to 6 weeks to expunge completely. It can also be obtained as a drink from some expert herbalists and this has been used with colorectal cancer. 

Black salve contains several ingredients covered in the past in research in Cancer Watch, each shown to have positive effects with cancer, like Graviola (Annona muricata), Bloodroot and Chaparral. 

Go to:20 herbs that can fight cancer’.

Warning: Black Salve is a 'fake cancer treatment'

Some of the ingredients of Black salve were recorded in use in Ancient Egyptian times and in the late 19th century a version was used by medical doctors to successfully treat skin cancer. However Black Salve has been dubbed ’dangerous’ by Medical authorities - for example, the FDA has listed it as a ’fake cancer treatment’ since 2004; in Australia the Therapeutic Goods Administration condemned the ointment in 2012. However, its use in Australia is thought to be widespread. One Australian Doctor told a patient with Skin cancer 'You might as well pour acid on it".

Black Salve and skin cancer; Black Salve and breast cancer

Although a little unusual, I would like to quote excerpts from my blog of my 2014 speaking tour around Australia. Why? Because I had a consistent flow of people coming up to me after the speeches telling me about Black Salve and ‘Gumby gumby' showing me how it was beating or had beaten their cancer: Skin cancer or Breast cancer. Their are also numerous videos on 'Black Salve beats skin cancer' on You Tube.

’Then, when I arrived back in the UK, (April 2014) one of our Patrons, Jessica Richards, told me of her breast cancer reoccurrence, which she completely cleared up with …. Black Salve. And then at a speech in the UK I was approached by Ann Devlin whio cleared up 4 breast cancer tumours with ... black salve. 

It’s all too much of a coincidence. A You Tube search revealed many claimants of successful cancer treatment - not just for breast cancer, but for skin cancer and melanoma. To be fair, it also reveals some horror stories, which is why we believe you should only use the poultice under expert herbalist supervision. At CANCERactive, we have also seen one case where the poultice killed the breast cancer but then didn't clear it from the body. Having said that we most definitely have seen many successful users of the poultice.

So - an excerpt from my Australian 2014 tour blog:

Gumby gumby

I’m asked if I know anything about Gumby Gumby, an Aboriginal herbal treatment for prostate cancer. The herb is Pitlosporum Phylliraeoides. Apparently the old tribes-people used to dry the leaves and it tastes foul! I promise I will look it up. This is four nights in a row now.

Last night I had two people in the audience who were self-treated. One, a colorectal cancer patient, had had a tumour so large, the colonoscopy tube couldn’t get past it. And several witnesses attested to this. But he refused orthodox treatment and built his own ‘cure’. Yet again, it is Gumby Gumby based. Then he is joined by a lady who knows him. She had breast cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes. She had refused treatment – and it’s Gumby Gumby again!! I often have people come up to me telling me about something they used - but it’s always a one-off.

This is becoming a stampede. Gumby gumby mania.
Black Salve – the second potion

But it doesn't stop there. You can use Gumby Gumby on its own but, more often than not, you use it as an 'identifier' and then you use Black Salve.

The lady is now three years on and covered in black spots and patches. According to both of them, the Gumby Gumby makes you itch unbearably, which for them is a sign something is working!

But she is now using a second potion called Amazon Black Topical Salve or cream, also called Cansema (which you rub into the itchy skin) and this clears the ‘residue’ (for want of a better word) expunged out through your skin, hence the black patches. As far as all these people are concerned the poultice is drawing out the cancer. Cansema is commonly called Black Salve.

I really have no idea. I have never had a single item of research across my desk on either ‘treatment’ and, it’s all news to me. It could be gumbo jumbo for all I know, but I have two people standing in front of me both alive and kicking, six or more years on. And this is now the fifth night in a row! Afterwards, I am told by two other people that they had seen the man just after he was diagnosed and the tumour had been enormous with his stomach clearly protruding; they thought he’d be lucky to last the week! Who knows? I promise to look it all up when I get my brain back from its stupor of tiredness. I am told Black Salve usage is increasing in Australia. People believe it works. It’s that simple. Goodness knows!

Black Salve use against cancer

Black salve is most commonly used as a poultice for skin cancer and melanoma; and also has a following as a treatment for breast cancer. However, it can also be used in a diluted form (called Omega tonic) and drunk, a fact I later have confirmed by top UK herbalist Alan Hopking.

What is clear is that the salve needs to be prepared and its administration overseen by a qualified herbalist. It is not something to be played with as it is very powerful in its action. I worry that so many people in rural Australia seem to be making their own at home in their kitchen! In the UK, there's an expert called Richard Linton near Manchester who treats people using Black Salve and will supply it.

Jessica Richards has written a book 'The Topic of Cancer' about her breast cancer and her treatment involving black salve. A link below will take you to Jessica's story of Black Salve and her Breast cancer.

Ann Devlin has written a number of blogs and the link below will take you to the pictures and detail of how she removed her breast tumours, each taking about 6 weeks.

What herbs are in Black Salve? 

Amazon Black Salve contains several ingredients we have covered in Cancer Watch in the past, for their anti-cancer activities:

* Zinc chloride
* NDGA (nordihydrogauaretic acid, from Larrea mexicata or Chaparral)
* Sanguinaria or bloodroot. (Sanguinaria canadensis)
* Galangal root (Alpinia officinarium) or ginger root (Zingiber officinale)
* Graviola leaf (Annona muricata) - also known as Soursop
* (Bitter melon seed (Momordica charantia)
* Glycerine (used as a humectant)

Interestingly. Bloodroot has had anti-cancer properties found in research, while Graviola and Larrea Mexicana (which is also known as Larrea tridentata, a variety of Chaparral), were both off to clinical trials in America a few years back as cancer ‘cures’. I wonder what happened? There is no record of the FDA in America ever approving a herb as a cancer treatment!

Some alternative practitioners have extremely strong views on Black Salve’s efficacy. But. There are serious warnings about how and where you should use it. And there are absolutely no clinical trials on the treatment nor any credible formal clinical evidence. 

How do you use Black Salve? 

Basically, you apply the poultice like any other - with a wooden spatula, topically. There is then some confusion as to whether you do it once or several times. The poultice 'cakes' on top of the tumour and is black. After about ten days the cancer dies, and turns white. So far so good. What then happens next borders on the bizarre. The body tries to kick out the dead tumour. So starting on one side, the healthy tissue separates from the tumour and you have a chasm. Imagine the Grand Canyon, on one side a white tumour and on the other side a piece of raw tuna. No blood, just flesh. Jessica told me that the pain is excruciating. But you mustn't touch it or do anything to it. At about day 21 hers started to move slowly upward and came out. She, like Ann, took it to the Hospital and had it checked. The verdict? Dead cancer tumour.

Having seen all the pictures, I can fully understand how it 'works'. However, after the black scab may be scary; the hole after the tumour pops out may be disconcerting, and stories on the Internet do suggest some people have problems.

You must involve an expert, not just about how to administer the poultice, but is Black Salve appropriate given the size and location of your tumour. And remember: when your cancer tumour pops out, it's an alternative to surgery; you still have to rebuild your body. Something caused your cancer; that's what you now need to address and build a new healthy body. 

Go To: Ann Devlin’s personal account of the successful use of Black Salve in breast cancer

Black Salve Information 

This actual tumour which came out after using black salve for breast cancer. Tumour confirmed by hospital histology dept.

There is also a Black Salve website page Click Here.

In Australia there is also a DVD by Elaine Hollingsworth called ’One answer to cancer’, which looks at Black Salve in more detail.

Frankly, the anecdotal evidence seems overwhelming.

Go to: Living Proof, Jessica Richards, Black Salve beat my breast cancer


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