Living Proof - Ane mail from Ian Dixon, a cancer survivor, on how he beat his melanoma well beyond the prognosis of the oncologists; A cancer survivor's true story with tips and information.
Beating melanoma with Professor Angus Dalgleish, Chris Woollams and Penny Brohn
Ian Dixon is a cancer survivor. He appeared in icon magazine several years after first writing us an e mail: Here it is in full.:
After a terminal prognosis of 6 months with malignant melanoma stage 4 given at 11.00 a.m. on December 19th 2003, I admit to being repeatedly astonished and truly delighted, yet again, by my latest scan result today: STABLE. So starts an e mail to CANCERactive from Ian Dixon.
After a whole year without a scan, tension mounted, I was aware of natural aging challenging the efficiency of my immune system, the pressures of living through the financial crisis, etc, etc, etc. I feared the worst.
The truth is I was right to be careful, to keep in sight the fragility of good health and to focus and support my body in its challenge and in that there is certainly more I can do (waistline!)
And then the results - No visible new lesions and that the one remaining lesion is smaller. WOW!
I am so GRATEFUL for this extra time a bonus which I honour and I hope to use even more wisely
And I am so grateful to those who have helped me and continue to do so so many people have helped and I am hugely grateful to every one.
Special mentions are:
- my family and friends who have given me inspiration and have kept showing me the light, love and smiles of life, so that I look beyond the darkness of inevitable but apparently ever distant self-grief
- Professor Gus Dalgleish and the Cancer Vaccine Institute for their wisdom and understanding and guidance. When I repeatedly hear of so many more youthful lives under threat, I know that Angus Dalgleish challenging, wisdom and determinatioin so justly deserves funding and the donations so necessary to carry science forward and help save the lives of the one in three of us who get cancer.
- The Penny Brohn Centre that opened my eyes to the possibility that complementary therapies could and do help make a difference
- Marion Howells and the Journey for bringing me towards truth and an increasingly healthier enjoyment of life (and Professor Alistair Cunnigham for his research studies that endorse such an approach as making a difference for many, an approach in which I am still increasing confidence)
- icon Magazine issued by CANCERactive for its wise guidance and support
- various fellow warriors on the web who have inspired me by their own stories and guidance or who have touched me by their own challenges
- You (Chris Woollams). Your knowledge, help and wisdom on cancer are invaluble and unique.
Love and Healing
Ian Dixon
Ian Dixon is still alive today. He built an Integrative cancer treatment programme using a vaccine supplied by his oncologist, Professor Angus Dalgleish of St George's Tooting, and a complementary programme of diet, exercise supplements and more largely planned by Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist and a founder of CANCERactive.
Go to: Overview on Melanoma and skin cancer