Aspirin reduces cancer risk and cancer mortality
In a large-scale study led by Professor Kelvin Tsoi of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, people who took aspirin regularly developed far less cancer than those who did not.
Over 600,000 people were followed for 14 years in two cohorts – about one third taking aspirin, two-thirds not. Those prescribed aspirin for a long period (at least 6 months, with a mean of 7.7 years) showed a significant reduction in cancer risk:
47% less risk of liver cancer
47% less risk of oesophageal cancer
38% less risk of gastric cancer (stomach cancer)
34% less risk of pancreatic cancer
24% less risk of colorectal cancer
The results were presented at the October 30th United European Gastroenterology (UEG) Conference in Barcelona.
Tsoi’s team also found significant reductions in cancers such as lung, prostate and leukaemia. However, insignificant increases were found with breast, bladder, kidney and multiple myeloma.
Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist and founder of CANCERactive said, “
I am not in the least bit surprised. We have covered the benefits of aspirin in cancer prevention and cancer treatment for years. We have a review of this on site. The research has been consistently clear since John Vane won his Nobel prize and knighthood in 1982 for his work on eicosanoids, Cox-2 and inflammation. He said back then that aspirin could fight inflammation and thus cancer. In the face of all this research, it is quite ludicrous that Cancer Research are conducting their own 12-year study rather than endorsing the force of research and the benefits clarified by others.
Go to: Aspirin has significant anti-cancer benefits
People should take precautions with aspirin. It should never be taken on an empty stomach; only with food.
In results published by the same team in January 2017 from the same cohorts, there was the good news – aspirin reduced colorectal cancer deaths by 35 per cent – but also the bad news – aspirin increased bleeding related mortality by 24 per cent.”
Tsoi, K. et al. Long-term use of aspirin is more effective to reduce the incidences of gastrointestinal cancers than non-gastrointestinal cancers: A 10-year population based study in Hong Kong. Presented at UEG Week Barcelona 2017.
Sung J, Tsoi KK. Abstract 527. Presented at: Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium; Jan. 19-21, 2017; San Francisco.